EV are they worth it?

Is that the same old diesel which has spent so much time on the 2 post lift, going up and down like a tart's tights? :giggle:

On the issue of depreciation, whilst it sounds horrendous, is it much different from any of the ICE equivalents that Ingolstadt churn out? As he says, just about all of these vehicles will be purchased by companies and it is they that will take any sort of depreciation hit. Find it hard to believe that average punters will spread the wedge on one of these.

His concern about fat people need not worry anyone as there is an SUV equivalent available, or certainly will be shortly. There always is. :rolleyes:

Indeed. The difference, is that the EV driver can offset some of that horrendous depreciation against fuel and servicing costs. The ICE driver just has to bend over and take those AS WELL!:LOL: My gaffer's S7 cost about the same, new. In 4 years, he'll get maybe £35k for it. so he's £10k up on the EV in depreciation but he'll have spent £12k in petrol and a ****-ton of money in servicing!

Did you see the bloke's face when he was talking about the range, and had to admit that it hadn't really lost any in 4 years? That really stuck in his throat, that did... :ROFLMAO: I see it doesn't seem to have set itself on fire or needed a new battery in that time either...;)
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How is it "sense" when the old f@rts can't fathom that their driver profile and habits - pottering around, daily local runs, no 300-mile epics sans refreshment stops, etc etc) - make them ideally suited to an EV (y)

And if you're stuck with having to go back a century, to grasp a straw that ICEs are better.................

No, you're mistaken! They all drive 500 miles a day, non-stop, towing a 2 tone caravan! Everybody knows that...!;)
How is it "sense" when the old f@rts can't fathom that their driver profile and habits - pottering around, daily local runs, no 300-mile epics sans refreshment stops, etc etc) - make them ideally suited to an EV (y)

And if you're stuck with having to go back a century, to grasp a straw that ICEs are better.................

OK, call it wisdom.

The sort of wisdom that comes with being an old fart. :giggle:(y)
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EV's and hybrids are a total death trap.

Er... if they were "locked inside", how did he get out? :rolleyes: Could it be that he had the child locks on the back doors?

And no, it didn't "explode". Here are photos of the same car, blazing away merrily, like ICEs so often do...

Remember a "mild hybrid" is more ICE than EV, but feel free to carry on peddling your hysterical FUD...
Is that the same old diesel which has spent so much time on the 2 post lift, going up and down like a tart's tights? :giggle:

The odd glitch with incompatible superseded replacement sensor is nothing to the constant headache of range anxiety with an EV. :giggle::giggle:

Another major benefit is it is actually fixable by an amateur with basic tools and knowledge. Whereas an EV owner will likely be at the mercy of main dealers and specialists in niche vehicles.
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The odd glitch with in incompatible superseded replacement sensor is nothing to the constant headache of range anxiety with an EV. :giggle::giggle:

In a few weeks I'll be going to Kent for work. I will sleep soundly the night before I set off on a 400+ mile run in my EV... The people who seem to "suffer" most from range anxiety, are ICE drivers and EV haters who very kindly seem to have taken it upon themselves to worry about range on behalf of those EV drivers who really just can't be arsed to worry...:giggle:

Another major benefit is it is actually fixable by an amateur with basic tools and knowledge. Whereas an EV owner will likely be at the mercy of maind ealers and specialists in niche vehicles.

I can remember when they said that about "fuel injection". In fact, people have been saying it pretty much since the dawn of motoring. My granddad never really did trust those newfangled "electric starter motors". Nothing to go wrong with a starting handle!

However, sure as eggs are eggs, history will repeat itself and those who still have a bit of get-up-and-go about them, will learn how to work with the new technology - just like they always have in the past, whenever a new technology has emerged.
Suppose this is what I will end up in the distant future as daily transport. Lesser of several evils.

If you like. Personally, I see hybrids as the WORST of both worlds. All the maintenance and noise of an ICE, with all the expense of a battery. (And, as has just been posted, a higher fire risk than either EVs or ICEs - perhaps because of the incredibly tight space with having to accommodate two drivetrains. However, if the Luddites are so desperate for a comfort blanket to help wean themselves off ICE, that's no bad thing. Think of them as "nicotine patches" for ICE addicts...;)
EV's will be cancelled. Where the US goes, such as mcdonalds etc, the UK follows.


Of course... Your sources are, as ever impeccable, and the oil will last forever, the oil companies won't rip us off, no hostile foreign powers will hold us to ransom over it, and there's no air quality or climate problem...:rolleyes:

no hostile foreign powers will hold us to ransom over it
The UK has two oil powered carriers with lots of oil powered planes on them. No hostile powers will dare.

and there's no air quality or climate problem...:rolleyes:
You seemed to have survived fine. Was it just beginner's luck? The only climate problem the UK has is rain, and lack of sun for solar panels.
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