EV are they worth it?

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I had a battery powered, rechargeable hedge trimmer once. Complete nightmare. When I would decide that I needed to trim the hedges, it had lost it's charge sitting in the shed. Two thirds of the way through doing the hedges, it would splutter to a halt and need another few hours on charge to complete the job. Complete pain having to plan everything around battery charge, just on something simple and non essential like a trimmer. Imagine the faff of something vital that you use every day, an eg. for example. :eek:
AA batteries are fine if you use eneloop. They last seeming forever while unused.
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Ahhhh, the Tw@t in the hat.
Then there's the 'murcan gobshoite with the roadkill toupee........

Nutty's go-to sources (y)

And don't forget his "reasonable-sounding level-headed Aussie bloke-with-no-axe-to-grind", MGUY! :ROFLMAO:

He really is an absolute sucker for it, isn't he? Most of us would go on YouTube and stumble across the odd conspiracy theorist loony propaganda video, but Nutjob seems to have a gift for sniffing them out! :ROFLMAO:

I've a good mind to make one myself, and see how long I can string him along. Something reasonable-sounding and credible, about EVs sneaking into your house at night ('cause they're quiet, you see), and eating your babies...;)
He's just trolling:
Am not. Am releasing public info. If you don't like this or that talking head, search for others. I merely providing a lead.

The EV fanbois are suffering denial. A better approach is to provide counter-evidence. It's not impossible for talking heads to get things wrong from time to time. But, they are just messengers, like I am.
A better approach is to provide counter-evidence.

You've ignored every bit of evidence put to you, up to yet.

- a tenth of the fuelling cost
- (currently), hundreds of pounds - per month - cheaper on my BiK, than was my diesel
- no stinky fuelling stops
- range far beyond that of my bladder, or interest
- biblically-quick acceleration
- biblically-quick overtaking ability
- near-silent pootling and cruising
- driver assistance a-plenty

A relaxing place to be: travelling is now a lot less tedious than it was, only a month ago.

Like I - and others - have already said before, stick with what you like.
I and, speaking for others, they don't care what you do.

But you'll not convince me that my choice is worse than yours, as all you have to draw on is clickbait from YouTube, and zero personal experience.
"no stinky fuelling stops"

Can i just say i don't mind the smell of petrol.
Quite like it, in fact.

Is that weird? :cautious:
- a tenth of the fuelling cost
- (currently), hundreds of pounds - per month - cheaper on my BiK, than was my diesel
- no stinky fuelling stops
- range far beyond that of my bladder, or interest
- biblically-quick acceleration
- biblically-quick overtaking ability
- near-silent pootling and cruising
- driver assistance a-plenty
Unrelated to EV factory burning down.

Even if you had everything you claim, to my eyes they are not worth the risk of burning the house down. The insurance won't pay or pay so little that it will ruin your life. I personally hate being obliged to do things. So being forced to plug-in, switch-on, and check app would really **** me off. The use and done ICE is much more suitable for my preference of free-form living, ie, do things when feel like.
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