EV are they worth it?

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I believe this is deliberate to prevent cats being poisoned with it.

Some perverts do it deliberately.

I wasn't feline too great after. o_O

Seriously though, yes, it's a problem. They put Bitrex in the a/freeze now to make it bitter, but before cats were attracted to the sweet taste. A very unpleasant death.
They must be stressed all the time due to constant range anxiety and having to make colossal monthly payments on their battery contraptions that look like they were designed by primary school children. Then take it out on ICE owners.
If I had to plug in and switch on every day, it would wind me right up and would cause me to go have a shout at people on the internet.

I did grocery on monday and went to top up. I made a personal record of topping up after 4 months. I have been busy doing stuff and I have everything I need. So the car was neglected. My perma-connected-and-placed 5w solar panel kept the battery in tip top condition. The car purred into life without struggle and it cost me not an ounce of effort, or a shred of thought.
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From Private Eye - couldn't resist posting it here:
Well, got into a right pickle yesterday.................

........car needed charging, it was late at night, and I had just got home.
What to do?

After what seemed like an age, I managed to open the charge flap with a tap of the door (I couldn't be bothered with the switch on the dash, and the key-with-the-charge-flap-opening-button-on-it was tucked into my pocket), lift the charge lead from its holster, pop the rubber cap off, and plug it into the charge port.

30 seconds of my life that I'll never get back.

Exhausted, I let myself in, and wearily trudged up the stairs, and collapsed into bed.

Scraping the sleep from my eyes this morning, I blearily dragged myself downstairs, and made a brew.

Outside, unplugged the lead and reholstered it, then looked at my home energy monitor.


(£4.30 in electricity, 70p standing charge, and another 320 miles of range ;) )
I got up today and suddenly realised my ICE is ready to go. It didn't cost me £4.5 over night. Nor did it keep me awake thinking if any burglar tripped over any cord, I could get sued for it. Even if they don't win, it would be a huge hassle. My car has the range for the next 4 months, shocka!
Adding a 2 hour wait for a place at a charging station makes a big difference to a journey that takes 4 -5 hours in a petrol fueled car.
A typical electric car (60kWh battery) takes just under 8 hours to charge from empty-to-full with a 7kW charging point. Most drivers top up charge rather than waiting for their battery to recharge from empty-to-full. For many electric cars, you can add up to 100 miles of range in ~35 minutes with a 50kW rapid charger.

Do your homework @pod-point.com
Adding a 2 hour wait for a place at a charging station makes a big difference to a journey that takes 4 -5 hours in a petrol fueled car.

I no longer make 5 hr car journeys (I stopped doing that some years ago), choosing the train instead.

I can go to one of my offices - in Edinburgh - in 3 hrs, and do work on both out and return journeys.
The drive would be 5hrs each way at best, would be tiring and fraught with hazards, and I could do little more than concentrate on the road.

Same goes for my meetings in London.
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