EV are they worth it?

Big shredder.

The stuff is ready for mulch or compost.

Or an old-but-sturdy lawnmower.

When I had a couple of hundred of feet of holly and privet, I used to cut the hedges, throw the cuts onto the lawn, then chop the lot up with the 'mower.

Bag the bits, then mow the lawn properly afterwards.
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Or an old-but-sturdy lawnmower.

When I had a couple of hundred of feet of holly and privet, I used to cut the hedges, throw the cuts onto the lawn, then chop the lot up with the 'mower.

Bag the bits, then mow the lawn properly afterwards.
That’s what I do with the neighbours mile-a-minute plant that covers my complete garage and rear fence.

I'm not campaigning for everyone to have oil central heating, remember...

I'm not the one coming up with BS stories about how if you have gas central heating or a heat pump, your house will burn down!

I'm not the one making claims about the 'horrendous environmental destruction' caused by gas extraction or electricity generation...

I assumed with your obvious hatred of big oil - your comments on them as evidence - the last people you would pay lots of money to heat your home would be ........................................................big oil.

How do you live with having to write those big cheques to them every year?? :eek::ROFLMAO: You do realise the stuff in your big tank comes from the same hole in the ground as the stuff in Diy-nut's car fuel tank?

What's wrong with ASHP? As an EV owner and fan, I would imagine that the massive inconvenience and cost of installation and mediocre performance would be no barrier to you going fully green. Poss some solar during the day. You could even store some of it in batteries!!! :D

At least admit that it's more than a little hypocritical to call someone a sap for funding 'big oil' - when you're doing exactly the same thing yourself? Or remain in denial, like all EV fanatics.
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I assumed with your obvious hatred of big oil - your comments on them as evidence - the last people you would pay lots of money to heat your home would be ........................................................big oil.

How do you live with having to write those big cheques to them every year?? :eek::ROFLMAO:

Sorry, but I don't remember saying I enjoyed doing it? As things stand, I don't have a great deal of choice! However, the boiler is the same age as the house, and parts are getting very hard to find. When it finally dies, (which I imagine will be quite soon now) I will look at other, greener options with an open mind...

...pretty much like you would when it comes to replacing your car... right...? :ROFLMAO:

You do realise the stuff in your big tank comes from the same hole in the ground as the stuff in Diy-nut's car fuel tank?

Gosh! Really?! :rolleyes: But here's the thing, though... however much of it is coming out of the ground and heating my house, it is less than the amount that would have been coming out of the ground to heat my house and power my car...

What's wrong with ASHP? As an EV owner and fan, I would imagine that the massive inconvenience and cost of installation and mediocre performance would be no barrier to you going fully green. Poss some solar during the day. You could even store some of it in batteries!!! :D

Unlike you, it seems, and having an open mind, yes, I have considered these. There would be some inconvenience (not sure I'd call it "massive") in the installation, but after that, they're probably less hassle than a boiler in terms of maintenance. However, without a much better-insulated house, they aren't that effective at...er...heating it - which is pretty much exactly what we'd want them for.

Solar is out of the question. This is Cumbria, remember, and the house is surrounded by tall trees!

At least admit that it's more than a little hypocritical to call someone a sap for funding 'big oil' - when you're doing exactly the same thing yourself? Or remain in denial, like all EV fanatics.

You really don't seem to be able to get your head round this, do you?:rolleyes: You'll notice that at no point, have I come up with spurious, ill-informed, strawman BS about ASHPs. I haven't said: "they'll set themselves on fire" (because that would be a lie). I haven't said: "the mining of the materials used to make a heat pump do way more damage to the planet than burning oil" (because that would also be a lie). I haven't said "they're all made in China and China's CO2 emissions are way higher than ours, so there's no point in switching to them" - not because that would be a lie, but because that's a ridiculous strawman argument.

You just don't seem to be able to understand that I don't mind people not doing the "green" thing, if they have valid reasons for doing so. What I mind, are people spreading lies and BS...
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Big shredder.

The stuff is ready for mulch or compost.
Sorry, but I don't remember saying I enjoyed doing it? As things stand, I don't have a great deal of choice! However, the boiler is the same age as the house, and parts are getting very hard to find. When it finally dies, (which I imagine will be quite soon now) I will look at other, greener options with an open mind...

...pretty much like you would when it comes to replacing your car... right...? :ROFLMAO:

Gosh! Really?! :rolleyes: But here's the thing, though... however much of it is coming out of the ground and heating my house, it is less than the amount that would have been coming out of the ground to heat my house and power my car...

Unlike you, it seems, and having an open mind, yes, I have considered these. There would be some inconvenience (not sure I'd call it "massive") in the installation, but after that, they're probably less hassle than a boiler in terms of maintenance. However, without a much better-insulated house, they aren't that effective at...er...heating it - which is pretty much exactly what we'd want them for.

Solar is out of the question. This is Cumbria, remember, and the house is surrounded by tall trees!

You really don't seem to be able to get your head round this, do you?:rolleyes: You'll notice that at no point, have I come up with spurious, ill-informed, strawman BS about ASHPs. I haven't said: "they'll set themselves on fire" (because that would be a lie). I haven't said: "the mining of the materials used to make a heat pump do way more damage to the planet than burning oil" (because that would also be a lie). I haven't said "they're all made in China and China's CO2 emissions are way higher than ours, so there's no point in switching to them" - not because that would be a lie, but because that's a ridiculous strawman argument.

You just don't seem to be able to understand that I don't mind people not doing the "green" thing, if they have valid reasons for doing so. What I mind, are people spreading lies and BS...

Stop blustering, and just admit it. :giggle:
Yes, you are right. Anyone who supports big oil by buying their products is a sap. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

How about "Anyone who supports big oil by buying their products whilst spreading BS and FUD about the possible alternatives is a sap"?

Let me guess... too much to get your head round...? :rolleyes:
So there we have it. DiyNutJob, Avocet says you're a sap for supporting what he childishly calls 'big oil'. But it's fine for him to support oil producers. That's EV fanatic logic for you.

Makes perfect sense. :rolleyes:
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