EV are they worth it?

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I have a shredder and a compost heap. I also mulch generously.

It's amazing how little room bushes and tree prunings take up after being shredded or chopped.

My garden soil is pretty fertile.

Incidentally, when I bought my HEV, one of the capabilities I looked for , was ability to take large objects to the recycling tip.
We're on a square 1/3 with hedging on all sides. I pay for two garden waste bins (and it's amazing what you can cram into them) but there's no way you're going to get rid of all those cuttings, large tree prunings and autumn carnage without a truck... unless you have a huge bonfire every month? Somehow I think that certain people on the forum might object to that as well. They'll also want me to trade my 4-stroke Honda hedge slayer for a Moulinex.
We're on a square 1/3 with hedging on all sides. I pay for two garden waste bins (and it's amazing what you can cram into them) but there's no way you're going to get rid of all those cuttings, large tree prunings and autumn carnage without a truck... unless you have a huge bonfire every month? Somehow I think that certain people on the forum might object to that as well. They'll also want me to trade my 4-stroke Honda hedge slayer for a Moulinex.

I just use a trailer?

(Yes... even an EV will have enough range to make it to the local tip and back while towing a trailer...) ;)
It's amazing how little room bushes and tree prunings take up after being shredded or chopped.

Occasionally, I go to the tip, and put a half-ton builders bag in the back.

But ordinary prunings and garden waste pack down and rot fast enough not to need it.
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.... a square 1/3....

I just use a trailer?

(Yes... even an EV will have enough range to make it to the local tip and back while towing a trailer...) ;)
I could use a trailer I guess, but then I couldn't take my grandchildren on 4x4 truck safaris on the byways. Epic adventures! :)
I could use a trailer I guess, but then I couldn't take my grandchildren on 4x4 truck safaris on the byways. Epic adventures! :)

Ah... that's more like it! Yes, if you just want a 4x4 because you just want a roughty toughty macho 4x4, that's fine, but it's perfectly possible to get garden waste to the tip with an EV...

I did have a Series III Landy, may years ago, and did once go green laning in it. It was fun, but the guilt from looking at the landscape after a dozen 4x4s had churned it up, was a bit too much. Looked like the Somme in 1916!

Lurgi 1.jpg
Ah... that's more like it! Yes, if you just want a 4x4 because you just want a roughty toughty macho 4x4, that's fine, but it's perfectly possible to get garden waste to the tip with an EV...

I did have a Series III Landy, may years ago, and did once go green laning in it. It was fun, but the guilt from looking at the landscape after a dozen 4x4s had churned it up, was a bit too much. Looked like the Somme in 1916!

View attachment 354477
Roughton toughty? No danger of that! lol! We're talking 5-10mph with multiple stops for wildlife watching and a picnic in the middle of nowhere. I only do 3000 miles a year, because I support all my local producers. Are my green credentials looking better now?
Roughton toughty? No danger of that! lol! We're talking 5-10mph with multiple stops for wildlife watching and a picnic in the middle of nowhere. I only do 3000 miles a year, because I support all my local producers. Are my green credentials looking better now?

Not much, no. I'm not sure anyone who does 2-3000 miles a year actually needs a car at all, to be honest, and you'll see far more by way of wildlife if you're on foot...

But this isn't about anyone's "green credentials". I regularly have this discussion with a bloke on another forum. He hates EVs, and he's a builder. He's built his own house to Norwegian insulation standards - it's practically a "passive house" with a small heat pump. He reckons he's doing the environment a much bigger favour by doing that, than he would be by using an electric car. He says he doesn't do many miles a year, so he might well be right!

My own "green credentials" are not great. I have a big-ish house, heated by oil because there's no gas where I live. It's probably not "awful" in terms of energy efficiency because it was only built in 1995, but it's not great either. I have an old car (besides the EV) that is old enough not to even have a cat. If it had a CO2 figure, it would probably be well on the wrong side of 200g/km. But I try to limit its use (not just because it's rare) to limit CO2 output.

No, this isn't about anyone trying to claim they're greener than anyone else. It's just a thread about EVs. I don't think any of the EV supporters on here are "eco-warriors" as such. Some just prefer the driving experience, some just like the low fueling costs. Nobody really gets bothered about whether some other forum member takes half a dozen long haul flights a year, or lives on foraged berries in a cave. It's really just a discussion about EVs and their pros and cons. (I'd just like to keep it to real pros and cons, rather than some of the hysterical BS posted by certain folk on here...).
Occasionally, I go to the tip, and put a half-ton builders bag in the back.

But ordinary prunings and garden waste pack down and rot fast enough not to need it.
My tip is to use a spade to smash that stuff down. Tried jumping on it, but the spade method wins!
My own "green credentials" are not great. I have a big-ish house, heated by oil because there's no gas where I live. It's probably not "awful" in terms of energy efficiency because it was only built in 1995, but it's not great either.

You keep dropping your trousers and bending over for Big Oil. They love saps like you!

Your quote from here, post #668 -

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My own "green credentials" are not great. I have a big-ish house, heated by oil because there's no gas where I live.
Snap! Literally, TODAY, the installation of my ASHP system has just been completed! We have solar PV and we're fully insulated, so this 1966 (England!) chalet bungalow, is now a bonafide green machine!
Eat me. Lol
Your quote from here, post #668 -



I'm not campaigning for everyone to have oil central heating, remember...

I'm not the one coming up with BS stories about how if you have gas central heating or a heat pump, your house will burn down!

I'm not the one making claims about the 'horrendous environmental destruction' caused by gas extraction or electricity generation...
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