EV are they worth it?

Because the climate has done, what it has always done - it has changed.

Unfortunately there's no money in the fact that the climate has naturally changed since the dawn of time. Governments know they can cash in by saying tiny, puny, insignificant little mankind somewhow has the power to change the climate.

Still, don't stop the believers having something to believe. It used to be religion that would bring about hell and damnation if they didn't toe the line and believe, now it's climate change. Unfortunately the 'believers' are being manipulated by those far more intelligent than them. It keeps simpler types down, but woe betide anyone who dares to point out the emperor's new clothes.
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Unfortunately there's no money in the fact that the climate has naturally changed since the dawn of time. Governments know they can cash in by saying tiny, puny, insignificant little mankind somewhow has the power to change the climate.

Still, don't stop the believers having something to believe. It used to be religion that would bring about hell and damnation if they didn't toe the line and believe, now it's climate change. Unfortunately the 'believers' are being manipulated by those far more intelligent than them. It keeps simpler types down, but woe betide anyone who dares to point out the emperor's new clothes.

Enjoying your floods?
Enjoying your floods?
But what about the evidence that circa 125,000 years ago, sea levels were 8m higher than they are today? Also, think about the ancient villages lost to the sea? Dunwich? Newton? This happened between 400 and 800 years ago! No petrol or diesel cars were running around then, and no aerosol deodorants were being used, regardless of the fact that they probably really needed them!
I'm just playing the devil's advocate here of course, but surely you have to consider these things?
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But what about the evidence that circa 125,000 years ago, sea levels were 8m higher than they are today? Also, think about the ancient villages lost to the sea? Dunwich? Newton? This happened between 400 and 800 years ago! No petrol or diesel cars were running around then, and no aerosol deodorants were being used, regardless of the fact that they probably really needed them!
I'm just playing the devil's advocate here of course, but surely you have to consider these things?

They've been considered. The problem isn't that climate changes over time. As Regan says, it's done that for millions of years. The problem we have at the minute, is the speed with which it is changing. There aren't many 300 year periods in the earth's history (at least, that have been found so far), where global temperatures have been changing that fast. On those rare occasions when they did, bad things happened... (ask the dinosaurs)!
The speed of change has never happened before, so the argument of change happens, is negated.

It's not climate change per se that's the issue. The planet will react over time. It's the rate of change

But we can ignore it, and pretend it doesn't matter. Or we can all do just a little.
The speed of change has never happened before, so the argument of change happens, is negated.

It's not climate change per se that's the issue. The planet will react over time. It's the rate of change

But we can ignore it, and pretend it doesn't matter. Or we can all do just a little.
But do we think that doing our little bit makes any difference at all, given that our 'leaders' are throwing hypersonic missiles around like grass darts on a school playing field? How many of us would have to switch to EVs to negate the environmental impact of just one explosion?
I don't have any floods, though. Could be because london is important enough for them to put in defences. Us londers have to thank people in other places for our privilege. Thank you village guy!
You're welcome, city slicker! Lol. Yes, we get floods here and there, but the oldest of the farmers say t'was always thus!
Don't know, to be honest. You'd need to know what sort of missiles and how far they were travelling, plus the carbon footprint of making, transporting and firing them. At a guess, I'd say "not many" - one or two cars, for a year, maybe?

The thing is, those missiles are going to be fired anyway, so as far as the planet's concerned, it's those missiles PLUS the cars. It's obviously going to be a bit better if it's those missiles, but with fewer emissions from the cars.
But do we think that doing our little bit makes any difference at all, given that our 'leaders' are throwing hypersonic missiles around like grass darts on a school playing field? How many of us would have to switch to EVs to negate the environmental impact of just one explosion?
The other choice is to do nothing.

Do nothing, or do a little. What do you think is best ?
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