EV are they worth it?

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The other choice is to do nothing.

Do nothing, or do a little. What do you think is best ?
Guess we do what we can afford to do, given that every time the worker ants get close to a pensionable age, they add another year or two. Maybe there's so much financial uncertainty that people are inclined to hold on to things they know and trust, like their old cars.
Guess we do what we can afford to do, given that every time the worker ants get close to a pensionable age, they add another year or two. Maybe there's so much financial uncertainty that people are inclined to hold on to things they know and trust, like their old cars.
Well avoided.

It's simple. If everybody did a little, the cumulative effect is a lot.

Or doing nothing, just blaming elsewhere
Yes, what happened to the ozone layer? No one mentions it any more. Is there more money to be made out of climate change and net zero industry these days?

Not just the ozone layer! Remember "acid rain"? That's gone awfully quiet too, hasn't it? Well, there's a reason for that... You see, when it all kicked-off, those pesky, interfering scientist chaps got to work and told us that we needed to reduce the sulphur content of our fuels and fit catalytic converters to our cars. Naturally, there was a fair bit of push-back from the Luddites at the time. It was going to be the end of the world. Far too complicated and expensive. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to afford this fancy new kit. The garage trade wouldn't be able to work on them, cars would be scrapped as soon as they developed a fault, there weren't enough of the necessary rare earth metals on the planet to fit every car with a cat...

Fortunately, we cracked on with it anyway, and what do you know?! The problem improved!

And yes, as has already been said, the ozone layer is gradually repairing itself, now that those pesky interfering scientists have identified the problem, and the regulators have acted on their advice and banned CFCs. There was pushback against that, too. Air conditioning systems would be rubbish... (they said)...

Are you spotting a pattern starting to emerge here? ;)
No floods here, but thanks for your concern. Us ICE owners are usually on the high ground. And being an ICE, mercifully it won't catch fire and burn my house down in the unlikely event of the water rising. (y)

Ah... but you keep telling us that there are very few EVs, (what with nobody wanting them & all) and the vast majority of cars are ICEs! (That last bit actually being true, as it happens). So I think you'll find that rather more ICEs than EVs get flooded each year...:)

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