Good old Coutts

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RNLI are just a taxi service
RNLI does indeed have a duty to save all people no matter who they are.
But not forever.
The fact is that the British population and culture is under attack. After WW2 the country was 99.9% white for instance. Just look at Shearer or Gazzer playing football .... just look at the crowds, almost all white.
The overriding priority is not to talk of RNLI's duty ... but to recognize an invasion which is exactly what it is.
Not only is the population increasing endlessly and it will reach 100m and then 125m and upwards, but if you descend from the 99.9% that lived in this country after WW2 many of whom have ancient roots .... then you yourself are being threatened.
That is actually happening right now.
Personally I have no ancestry here, but that doesn't mean I am dancing a jig whilst the culture of this land is being encroached like this.
Although if the cowardice of the British people continues, well ... nature has her rules.
If you don't want to be here, then somebody will take your place.
Does Britain want to stay alive?
In my opinion when the non-British pop reaches 30 or 40% the entire British culture and way of life will suddenly vanish, it will have no meaning anymore. No Shakespeare, not even OurNHS. Nothing. That's not far away already the tides are washing many things into oblivion.
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Of course not. I want the government to take control of the situation. You want someone else to do it.

I thought we were taking back control of our borders?
But you don’t seem to want to say what you want them to do ? Any ideas?
But it has been said the RNLI are just a taxi service (courtesy coach even)? You can't have it both ways.
They, aided and abetted by the French, are risking their lives to get to the courtesy coach.
They, aided and abetted by the French, are risking their lives to get to the courtesy coach.
Then the UK government should act and the RNLI should be taken to task for doing this.
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Any ideas?
Turn around asylum claims much quicker, years to process people is a joke. Legal routes should be provided, there are none at present.

Just a few examples. Two more than the government seem to have.
They, aided and abetted by the French, are risking their lives to get to the courtesy coach.
You still haven't answered this. I thought we were going to regain control of our borders?
Turn around asylum claims much quicker, years to process people is a joke. Legal routes should be provided, there are none at present.

Just a few examples. Two more than the government seem to have.
Ah so the open the door wider approach. Make it easer and faster. Perhaps we should charter a PO ferry?
You still haven't answered this. I thought we were going to regain control of our borders?
AFAIK The U.K. are trying but are being thwarted and stalled by lefties such as yourself sticking up for the rights of others to come over here, milk our system and steal from us. You must feel mighty proud of yourself.
Nope. You are just making things up now.
Where is the evidence that your proposal will fix the problem. Where was it tested and what happened?

It’s complex. In the meantime the RNLI keep getting hailed. Maybe they should create an app?
he U.K. are trying but are being thwarted by lefties such as yourself sticking up for the rights of others to come over here, milk our system and steal from us.
I'm not a leftie and I'm not doing any of those things. Why is it always someone else's fault?
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