hottest weather ever in the world ever.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 292770
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National emergency? What are you in about?

Was there not some red / amber ? warning alert and a cobra meeting over the caper

Survival experts all over the radio advising people on how to survive

Run way shut

Rail ways alert

Hospitals on alert

Don’t go out stay at home

Armageddon tomorrow
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No, that's nonsense...
It seems there is a bit of a hot sticky problem in the underground. No aircon.

B'ham reached 36C today which is rather unusual so will probably go higher tomorrow.
Was there not some red / amber ? warning alert and a cobra meeting over the caper

Survival experts all over the radio advising people on how to survive

Run way shut

Rail ways alert

Hospitals on alert

Don’t go out stay at home

Armageddon tomorrow

Was there not some red / amber ? warning alert and a cobra meeting over the caper

Survival experts all over the radio advising people on how to survive

Run way shut

Rail ways alert

Hospitals on alert

Don’t go out stay at home

Armageddon tomorrow
Well, all very sensible to prevent an emergency situation. Stay home, Save lives, and enjoy the weather.
It's the pet dogs I feel sorry for.

God bless the lady hovering around the car park at our local beauty spot all yesterday afternoon, politely pointing out to the stupids that it really is too hot to be taking Fido a few laps of the lake at this time.
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The biggest danger to humanity isn't the weather, its the climate fanatics trying to impose their dodgy beliefs on the public.
27 degrees already
French police have arrested a bloke suspected of setting fires in forests around the Bordeux region.
The biggest danger to humanity isn't the weather, its the climate fanatics trying to impose their dodgy beliefs on the public.
No, you've missed the boat on this one. Climate change due to humans is a fact.
French police have arrested a bloke suspected of setting fires in forests around the Bordeux region.
French police are good.
I wonder how many arsonists the British police have caught so far.
I have had heat stroke. It's no joke. Holiday in Crete. First sign was no sweat. Odd thing is it doesn't take much to avoid it. A little water often.

Part of the cure was a type of babies mug with a sort of spout on it filled with a solution of salts. Both via a prescription from a chemists. Tiny sips all day aiming to use it all during the main parts of the day. Suppose it held about 250ml. I'm 6ft 3. That it seems makes me more prone to having this sort of problem. A one off couple of glasses of wine late evening helped bring it on. Locals reckon Europeans drink too much and that causes them problems. They hardly do as hot climates and booze do not go together well. ;) It's interesting to note some religious views in this respect. There are similar features in many beliefs.
Violent flash flooding has become more commonplace. As are the deaths that go with them. Some of the deluges occurring lately are frightening.
We're probably in for some big storms once all this heat is done.

I remember getting heat stroke once, I felt really cold and was wrapped up in duvets, then thought to myself, hang on, it's bloody hot today, this must be wrong!
On the news it said the highest temperature was recorded for 30 years

Apparently this place in the UK had a higher temp 30 years ago

All this fuss and national emergency

Jeez us wept country comes to a halt

Tell some of these whingers what about people that have had to work in lofts in the summer months

Yes exactly
Don't get many vulnerable people working in lofts.
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