hottest weather ever in the world ever.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 292770
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According to the media, London was due to hit 40 degrees today.
Did this happen,?or has apocalypse now been postponed until tomorrow.
Is hot weather during the summer something to be concerned about.
Met office computer models are predicting cold weather this winter.
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It's currently 36.1 degrees where I am, and rising by the hour.

According to the media, London was due to hit 40 degrees today.
Did this happen,?or has apocalypse now been postponed until tomorrow.
Is hot weather during the summer something to be concerned about.
Met office computer models are predicting cold weather this winter.

Lol, last week it was gonna be "mid forties".
If, as the experts predict, this sort of extreme weather is going to become more prevalent over coming decades, I couldn't really care less tbh. I'm 50, so if I'm lucky enough to live another 30-35 years in decent health I'll have done well. By that time, if the experts are correct, things might be ramping up concern wise, however at that point I'll be 6 feet under or spread around a favourite spot of mine.

I don't have kids and, whilst I do have nieces and nephews, let their generation solve it. 'We shouldn't necessarily be concerned for ourselves' the righteous ones tell us 'we should be concerned for our children and our children's children.' Nah, nice little puzzle for the younger ones to solve I say. They already think they know better than us. Let the vanilla generation solve it.

As for switching everything off and hugging trees. Nah. Not whilst umpteen countries are still spewing out nasty stuff like there's no tomorrow ...
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Lol, last week it was gonna be "mid forties".
Well, it was 38 in Chelmsford today.
And that was bloody got. Felt like a giant hairdryer when the wind was blowing. My car recorded 41.
not.......stop lying
No lies, follow the science.

The debate is over, almost every climate scientist agrees that humans are causing climate change. But then if you don't believe any data (except Tik Tok)...
The highest temperatures are expected tomorrow. ;) Today is like preheat on a oven - to some extent anyway bit it hasn't reached set temp yet.

We are suffering due to unusual air movements from areas that are normally hotter than it is here.
No lies, follow the science.

The debate is over, almost every climate scientist agrees that humans are causing climate change. But then if you don't believe any data (except Tik Tok)...
Apparently it is dangerous to travel on the London underground without a bottle of water.

On the news it said the highest temperature was recorded for 30 years

Apparently this place in the UK had a higher temp 30 years ago

All this fuss and national emergency

Jeez us wept country comes to a halt

Tell some of these whingers what about people that have had to work in lofts in the summer months

Yes exactly
So, what happened today?
There was no more heat than the past week here in west London.
A lot of panic for nothing.
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