hottest weather ever in the world ever.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 292770
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While this all may seem to be over the top coverage by the media, it does serve a point, and not just to make money. A reminder is clearly needed that over 14000 people died in France in 2003 because:
In France, 14,802 heat-related deaths (mostly among the elderly) occurred during the heat wave, according to the French National Institute of Health.[6][7] France does not commonly have very hot summers, particularly in the northern areas,[8] but eight consecutive days with temperatures of more than 40 °C (104 °F) were recorded in Auxerre, Yonne in early August 2003.[9] Because of the usually relatively mild summers, most people did not know how to react to very high temperatures (for instance, with respect to rehydration). Most single-family homes and residential facilities were not equipped with central air conditioning. While contingency plans were made for a variety of natural and man-made catastrophes, high temperatures had rarely been considered a major hazard.

They were ill equipped to deal with it, owing to a lack of AC in most houses. A bit like here.
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Some of the deluges occurring lately are frightening.
There have been other changes. April showers is one - short, sharp and very heavy. That is how they used to be. March''s west wind is another. Gales, they were. The seasons are more blurred. It's' interesting to consider traditional Christmas card scenes. They may have been like those showed - once.

Go back several generations and people thought things were warming up and wondered if still coming out of an ice age. Red sky at night predictions no longer worked due to the amount of dust thrown up by the industrial revolution.

CO2 definitely figures but there will be other factors as well. Higher temperatures cause more water evaporation which must come down somewhere. Rain forests form a micro climate - it rains a lot over them hence the name

This shows a lot of countries add about 1% to CO2 output and some countries produce way more than others. Per capita figures show things a different way

A lot of CO2 production has been exported - interesting aspect about China who some reckon have done more than most to reduce it.
While this all may seem to be over the top coverage by the media, it does serve a point, and not just to make money. A reminder is clearly needed that over 14000 people died in France in 2003 because:

They were ill equipped to deal with it, owing to a lack of AC in most houses. A bit like here.
8 consecutive real days at over 40 degrees.
we’ve not had one yet.
stop justifying the hysteria , it’s pathetic.
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I can recommend ceiling fans. We have three in the house; living room and two bedrooms. They are literally the best thing since sliced ceiling fans. Makes it fairly comfortable at night.
Up pops the bully….
It’s fact though isn’t it.
That makes you the troll again.
Like I told you yesterday , get back under your bridge.
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It’s fact though isn’t it.
Is it?

Breaking news - 99.9% of climate scientists believe climate change is happening due to human intervention. Some clown on a diy forum says it isn't.

Make your own mind up.
Is it?

Breaking news - 99.9% of climate scientists believe climate change is happening due to human intervention. Some clown on a diy forum says it isn't.

Make your own mind up.
Says the clown who wants to muzzle himself and poison his blood with unknown experimental chemicals. The resulting dross speaks for itself on here.
Get back under your bridge jellyjook.
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Is it?

Breaking news - 99.9% of climate scientists believe climate change is happening due to human intervention. Some clown on a diy forum says it isn't.

Make your own mind up.
He doesn't even post his own beliefs and picks a contrary view for fun. There could be a more obvious reason but that's my favourite.

Anyway the UK's highest ever measured temperature has provisionally been beat with more to go. Provisional because all records wont be available until tomorrow.

The metrologists think temp may go up again at the end of the week - depends what the jet stream chooses to do which can be hard to predict especially as it is rather odd at the moment. That and certain microclimate issues are causing this wave.
Says the clown who wants to muzzle himself and poison his blood with unknown experimental chemicals.
How about for once you provide some evidence for.....ah never mind.

You have nothing, except TikTok, pmsl...
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