Is a peoples vote likely?

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"They" being our incompetent, squabbling government.

But as they've been arguing with themselves for about three years, and still can't agree what it is they want to achieve, they are not competent to carry out sensible negotiations with a serious, organised, rules-base union.

Theresa has deliberately spun it out so there is no time to negotiate a new deal, no time for another referendum, and no time for a general election. Our representative parliament will have to try its best to dig the country into, or out of, the mess it has put itself into.
No."they" being the EU
They will start talking rather than land themselves in a no deal mess.

The UK made the decision to leave the EU. Explain how the EU have the power to 'land themselves' a no deal mess, or indeed how they land themselves any deal, when the UK has the yay/nay say-so.
You know what I can’t understand - people asking for a second referendum on Brexit because they THINK they are now in a better position to make a decision as they have a better idea how to vote. If we accept that logic, how about a second referendum on the 1975 referendum to join the common market? Oh, forget that, we have. And we’re leaving. :ROFLMAO:
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The UK made the decision to leave the EU. Explain how the EU have the power to 'land themselves' a no deal mess, or indeed how they land themselves any deal, when the UK has the yay/nay say-so.
Half of the medicines to Ireland transit through the UK. A No Deal would cause huge issues.

When will quitters face facts we live in a connected world and a connected marketplace and going it alone is harm for no benefit.

Why is there so much hate for the EU? Some people have note moved on and are still swayed by tired old arguments of the past.
You know what I can’t understand
Because the quitter people of the UK voted to leave the EU rather than what is being offered by Theresa May. If I were a quitter and Mays' deal was the only quitter choice available, then I'd be rightly miffed. I would be begging for a re-run.
When will quitters face facts we live in a connected world and a connected marketplace and going it alone is harm for no benefit.
Ironically it is the very aspects of the EU which they object to - the political union, the laws and regulations etc, not the simple trading bloc we joined, which make it so complicated to leave.

Why is there so much hate for the EU? Some people have note moved on and are still swayed by tired old arguments of the past.
As a country we [are] afflicted with endemic contempt for foreigners and a ludicrously over-inflated belief in our specialness.
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