Is a peoples vote likely?

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to what extent will you shut up, when EU27 say "There's the deal you agreed to after two years hard work. We agreed it in good faith. It's what you agreed. Take it or leave it."
About the same extent you will when EU change there tune because the alternative is no deal!!!!!
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Sadly, DP, you're not cut out for a serious adult discussion. Perhaps you should go to bed now.
to what extent will you shut up, when EU27 say...Take it or leave it."
We'll leave it for now thanks because we know you’ll change your mind when the majority of the house reject your offer. I’ve said it all along - cunning plan - TM put that 'deal' to the house to unite the majority against the EU27. They’ll be taking it on board right now.
No confidence vote......

Its posturing. Corbyn doesnt really want to take over, whats he gonna put on a manifesto.......Labour arent much less split than Tories.
Revoke article 50. Brexiteers can then inform themselves more about the issues and revisit EU membership.
Not happening..EU will renogotiate as they do not want a no deal brexit.

But JohnD, nosefuckall and others say that won’t happen! Of course, I forgot, they are the expert negotiators of the forum.....

So what concessions would the EU give?

What does the UK want?

I thought you both wanted a No Deal? So why go back and try re-negotiate?
But JohnD, nosefuckall and others say that won’t happen! Of course, I forgot, they are the expert negotiators of the forum.....
Well the quitters amongst us told us this was exactly the 'deal' they were expecting...

After all they knew exactly what they were voting for, didn't they?
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