Is a peoples vote likely?

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'Twas interesting watching the live coverage...

Before the vote Farage was in the studio being all 'gobby'...

When the result was announced his seat was vacant...

Typical quitter behaviour!
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Their intentions have been clear since the outset.
Yep, they have stuck to the rules all along...

Rules that as members of the EU the UK agreed to!

Quitters just don't seem to have the IQ level required to understand that very simple reality!
Don’t be daft. Do you honestly think their first 'offer' was their best? Wait and see.
Do you honestly think that after the time and effort of spending two years in preparation and negotiation, and securing the agreement of 27 sovereign nations, they are going to abandon their principles?

When you're working with a huge organisation, and need unanimous agreement to move forward, you have to be clear, precise and well prepared, and carry the consent of the stakeholders.

That's why David Davis was so useless.
How about this: If the EU27 tell us to **** off and there’s nothing more to be negotiated, I’ll admit you were right and shut the **** up but the opposite must also apply - if they do suddenly decide they CAN renegotiate, even right up to 10.59 pm on the 29th March, then you lot who are so absolutely sure they won’t renegotiate will admit you were talking out of your arses all along and shut the **** up instead. Is that a 'deal' any of you remoaners want to accept?
maybe Theresa will give more ground, and the Brexers will vote for her in the hopes of getting an agreement.

As you say:

Do you honestly think their first 'offer' was their best?
Pretty shameful as explained by the speaker the tactics used by the tories making a stark choice for Tulip Siddique having to either come in and vote or not vote.
to what extent will you shut up, when EU27 say "There's the deal you agreed to after two years hard work. We agreed it in good faith. It's what you agreed. Take it or leave it."

The UK has spent three years failing to make up its mind, squabbling with itself, and is incompetent at negotiating a deal because it doesn't know what its objectives and priorities are.

Here are a few articles you help you:
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Yep, they have stuck to the rules all along...

Rules that as members of the EU the UK agreed to!

Quitters just don't seem to have the IQ level required to understand that very simple reality!
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