Is a peoples vote likely?

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I’d have a peoples vote. The way I see it is this:

The referendum was like a sandwich shop. Do you want a sandwich, Yes or No.

The people’s vote would be what do you want on your sandwich, Nothing, Dog ****, Ham or Cheese.

At the minute it seems the only option are nothing or dog ****.

The people have already voted, and they voted to leave the European Union.
It is, old bean

Article 50 is therefore already incorporated in UK law by primary legislation.
Enshrined: In a form that ensures it will be protected and respected.

'Incorporated' is a wholly different thing...

Because the UK has no definitive constitution, parliament can do what it likes as regards any law at any time!

Thus 'enshrined'/'incorporated' effectively means nothing - and certainly not what those who think it is a cast iron guarantee would have you believe!
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Enshrined: In a form that ensures it will be protected and respected.

'Incorporated' is a wholly different thing...

Because the UK has no definitive constitution, parliament can do what it likes as regards any law at any time!

Thus 'enshrined'/'incorporated' effectively means nothing - and certainly not what those who think it is a cast iron guarantee would have you believe!
Word salad.

Law is the law :ROFLMAO:
I know, I voted Leave. But if the deal is so ****e then why not vote for a better deal?

Because there isn't another deal on offer.

It took two years to cobble together Theresa's can of worms.

David Davis did what (little) he could.

No doubt Gove, Johnson and Rice-Pudd provided whatever input (if any) they were capable of.

nobody's planning to make an improved offer by the end of March. It would have to get the unanimous approval of all 27 remaining EU countries. Not to mention the approval of more than half the sack of fighting cats in Westminster, who can't even agree what day it is.

Theresa has deliberately spun it out so there is insufficient time to agree anything else, or to hold another referendum, or to hold a general election, or to have a national debate on what the hell we think we want.
A people who put there privileges before there principles are in danger of losing both

Dwight Eisenhower pretty much summed up the remoaners with the above quote ;)

And for the benefit of the remoaners none of whom are to bright :LOL: Eisenhower was a US president
I’m voting for the Ian Howarth deal, like the Norway one but much better.
the Ian Howarth deal

You, and he, have a problem.

He can ask for it, but it will only happen if somebody agrees to it. In 8 weeks.

Norway are reported to be reluctant, as the UK is so large and un-cooperative that it will bugger up the scheme for the existing members.

it's a funny thing, but two years ago I tried to get Brexers to say which of the possible outcomes they thought they were voting for.

None of them would say.

If Brexers had made up their minds, and worked hard to achieve it, they might have got there by now.

We'll never know.

Whilst 16 Asian and Far Eastern countries are planning to create the world's biggest trading bloc we are leaving one. Makes no sense.

No we won't be joining the far Eastern bloc
It's so sweet to see Theresa and her tory buddies pretending that the results of a referendum are sacrosant and must be respected and obeyed.

And again!

Trying to overturn the Scottish referendum as well!

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