Major Incident In Southport

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The guy was British, of Rwandan parents.
Rwanda is 80% Christian, only 5% claim to be Muslim.

So if he’s Christian, are the right wingers going to storm churches?
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The guy was British, of Rwandan parents.
Rwanda is 80% Christian, only 5% claim to be Muslim.

So if he’s Christian, are the right wingers going to storm churches?

What has religion got to do with it ? Not bothered what his religion is tbh or his ethnicity ? Or who his parents are ?
Don’t care about his mental issues either ? Or weather he has one ba** ?

Off to the next life for him and good riddance to bad rubbish
I see renta-thug has shown up to stir up racial hatred by attacking a Mosque.

It’s the last thing the people of Southport need at this time
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Kicking can be reasonable force in certain circumstances. Justifiable too.
It’s bl@@dy hard for the police

They get in the middle of a nasty brawl and they are expected to make judgements of “reasonable force”….you can’t stop and consult the nanual.

the kick to the head is very risky, it could’ve caused a brain bleed resulting death
the kick to the head is very risky, it could’ve caused a brain bleed resulting death
Dead people can’t carry out mass killings of children, wouldn’t you agree or do you think he should have every chance to carry out his attack and then be dealt with using kid gloves?
I’ve no interest in anything that cucking funt has to say
Good to know that you like to listen to all views before coming to a conclusion. What cucking funts opinions are you interested in?

He's really stirring it, here. I wonder whether he's got some inside info. If not, his comments are appalling.

"Indeed, last week one of Lieutenant Colonels in Kent in full uniform was stabbed in the street. He's still alive and in a very serious condition. Again, we were told it was a non-terror incident.

"I'm just asking questions because I'm struck that every time something appalling happens we're told it's non-terror or it's mental health."

Lots of awful attacks are committed by people with mental health problems. Does he not realise this? Would he be making these insinuations if the attackers were white?
Dead people can’t carry out mass killings of children, wouldn’t you agree or do you think he should have every chance to carry out his attack and then be dealt with using kid gloves?

I have no idea what point you are trying to make. Nobody, on any of these threads, has ever suggested that maximum force should not be used to prevent attacks. The point some have made is that, after being subdued, an attacker should not be then subjected to police brutality.
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