Major Incident In Southport

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Just checking, has filly's earlier allegation been proven?

If you read the post immediately following that there was an acknowledgement that it was likely fake news.

Do you ever tire of being a trolling ***t John?
If you read the post immediately following that there was an acknowledgement that it was likely fake news.

Do you mean that you think you are are absolved of intending to stir up hatred

As soon as somebody points out you are doing it?

Perhaps you should try that excuse when you report yourself to the police.

Do you never tire of being a racist troll?
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He's really stirring it, here. I wonder whether he's got some inside info. If not, his comments are appalling.
Everything garbage utters is appalling...

He's probably rubbing his hands with glee at the riot in Southport started by the racist little englanders...

And he's biding his time to when he can get enough of them to march on parliament, just like his best mate got the rednecks to do on capitol hill...

Make no mistake...

garbage may be a good orator when targeting the ignorant, but then so was a certain austrian corporal !
He's probably rubbing his hands with glee at the riot in Southport started by the racist little englanders...

Since the suspect appears to have been born in Cardiff, there may be a risk that extremist Englanders will be burning down Methodist chapels and firebombing buses coming over the Severn bridge.

Filly may be among them?
Since the suspect appears to have been born in Cardiff, there may be a risk that extremist Englanders will be burning down Methodist chapels and firebombing buses coming over the Severn bridge.
Does it matter where these ****s are born? Where was the Manchester Arena bomber born?
You really are very silly sometimes

The guy kicked in the head was unarmed, had already been tasered and was lying face down…..he wasn’t about to stab young girls.
I'm being silly?

You have absolutely no idea do you? Going political on the murder of those little girls.
Mental health is not to blame. Murder is evil, pure and simple
You don't appear to have followed the discussion.
This lad is obviously not the full ticket, I wonder what caused him to attack.
Tazor asked what could have caused the attack.
I offered a plausible explanation.
Austerity affecting mental health provision?
Under the Tories mental health provision has failed to keep up with demand.
That obviously means that many suffering from mental health are not receiving the treatment that they need or deserve.
I'll leave you to work out the rest of the details.

And while you jumped in with two left feet to criticise my opinion, you also failed to voice an opinion at fillyboy who tried to create hatred and division with his disinformation.
Nor did you voice an opinion at Ihavenojob for trying to foment religious differences over the incident.

So your criticisms are extremely focused on me.
I'm guessing it's because you dislike me.
That's OK, but it demonstrates your prejudicial reasons for your criticisms. :rolleyes:
You're comfortable with posters fomenting racial or religious hatred, but you dislike anyone offering a political reason for why people suffering from mental health are not receiving treatment. :rolleyes:
I see renta-thug has shown up to stir up racial hatred by attacking a Mosque.

It’s the last thing the people of Southport need at this time
Yes, sadly. There are always some who will exploit every opportunity to foment hatred and division.
They don't need an excuse. If none exist, they'll create one.
There are some, like that, who post regularly on here.
Dead people can’t carry out mass killings of children, wouldn’t you agree or do you think he should have every chance to carry out his attack and then be dealt with using kid gloves?
It would be preferable that mental health patients could get the treatment that they need and deserve.
I see, now. I don't understand what he means there. It doesn't make sense.
It makes sense to me.
Some would prefer that patients suffering from mental health should be kicked in the head, rather than receiving proper medial treatment.
Let’s hope the suspect was not tazored and kicked during the arrest ;)

Just imagine if someone had been able to kick him in the head early on a put him right out of it how many lives and injury's could have been saved

It would be preferable that mental health patients could get the treatment that they need and deserve.
Oh, it’s been confirmed that it was a mental health issue then has it? I must have missed that. My apologies. Do you have a link for your source of information?
Appears to be 39 police officers injured in direct attacks at them. Directly attacking the police!

I haven't seen any of those that agree with the police kicking and stomping in another incident showing any support for the police in this incident.

Proves the point about the reasoning behind it.
If they are giving accurate information, the police have advised a name that's being circulated online is wrong i.e. not connected to the guy they've arrested.

All ifs and buts maybe, however this is where rioters and vigilante types can be very dangerous i.e. if they target the wrong person/family.
Rioters, vigilantes and those fomenting hatred and division don't need an excuse. If one exists they'll grab it voraciously.
Where none exists they'll create an excuse.
There are some who frequently contribute in this forum that are like that. Some even spread disinformation in their quest for hatred.

Perhaps people should speculate on the possible scenarios for the future if hatred and division is persistently fomented.
Although some of those pushing their hatred and bigotry appear to prefer a violent resulting scenario.
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