Opt out of border control

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Quote all you like but you fail to see / read the link enclosed and the last sentence. Why is that are you just trolling as the message does not fit your narrative.

Its the thread title after all.
Go read the link in the first post
Yes, and you don't like people talking about it.

Interesting development in Holland after they finally agreed a government. Well it is shorter than he 270 odd days it took last time but then that's the benefit of PR voting.
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the message
which YOU wrote...
Interesting development in Holland after they finally agreed a government. Well it is shorter than he 270 odd days it took last time but then that's the benefit of PR voting.

Look like the mantra from remainers that we had control of our borders is a bit suspect.

I wonder if the opponents of PR could tell us the last time a single party in the UK gained more than 50% of the vote?
Brexit party. 2016 referendum. 52%. Was that PR enough for you? Oh no, you, along with others who are continually calling for PR, didn’t like it then, did you? :LOL:
Brexit party. 2016 referendum. 52%. Was that PR enough for you? Oh no, you, along with others who are continually calling for PR, didn’t like it then, did you? :LOL:
It wasn’t PR

If the only option was to have Brexit + PR voting for govt, I’d still choose that.

PR would make a huge difference to this country
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Brexit party. 2016 referendum. 52%. Was that PR enough for you? Oh no, you, along with others who are continually calling for PR, didn’t like it then, did you? :LOL:
Where are the 48% represented? That's virtually half of those that voted

Do you mean it was another example of fptp.
What, that this forum is populated with whining losers? No need to prove that - everyone knows.
You are the loser

You voted for something that has made this country worse off

And being a complete loser you spend your time on here defending a colossal failure.

Mottie the massive leaver loser
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