There goes a lot of your winter fuel payments

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I can't believe how the regular few think the Tories were handling the economy well.

The mess we are in says otherwise
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The NHS needs a good kick up the arse if the rest of it are anything like the small hospital Mrs Mottie works in. Three of the 4 managers off long term sick - one had only been in the job for two weeks and has been off for a whole year, admin staff that take long term sick, come back for two weeks then go off sick for another six months. Long term sick staff that retire, then are allowed to come back, then within weeks go off sick for another year, patients who can’t speak English so an interpreter is hired at £300 a time and the patient doesn’t turn up. Patients who are unavailable for follow up consultations because they are back in their home country, consultant recordings that are sent to India for transcribing and come back with missing words or sentences and no punctuation whatsoever, just one big block of words so have to be retranscribed, the list of slapdash bad or mismanagement is endless. Ask anyone that works in admin for the NHS and you’ll get the same story.
Bank of England Inflation calculator says:

£30000 in 2010 would be worth £44,978.19

So one of the lucky ones has kept pace with inflation.

Anyone who didn't keep pace with inflation has not stagnated, they have gone down hill.

Ask your parents if they had 14 years of no improvement when they were your age.

Are you driving a second-hand Ford Anglia and holidaying in Southport?
Adult care cap has been scrapped too. sTories were originally planning it for 2023, then kicked it back to Oct 2025 when they realised they would lose election. Meaning one more 'promise' they could swerve. Politicians = traitors.
Really my old jobs basic has gone up from under 30k to about 44k no stagnation there
Cherry picked examples aren’t the overall trend

Here is real evidence from, Resolution foundation, BBC, FT (quality sources, not yer uncle Bobs Facebook page)

Wages in the UK have been stagnant for 15 years after adjusting for inflation.​


“All parts of UK hit by economic stagnation since 2010, says think-tank”

Stalling wage growth since 2008 costs £11,000 a year, says think tank​

Fifteen years of wage stagnation has left British workers £11,000 worse off a year, according to research shared exclusively with BBC Panorama.

The Resolution Foundation, which focuses on low-to-middle income families, examined what wages might be today if growth seen before the 2008 financial crisis had not fallen away.

It also found typical UK household incomes have fallen further behind those in Germany. In 2008, the gap was over £500 a year, now it is £4,000.

“On a per person basis, economic growth has been slower than in the US, the EU27 and Germany in that time. The slowdown has been particularly stark given that the UK economy, and its productivity, were growing quite quickly prior to 2008. While employment growth has been strong, average earnings growth has been dreadful - for which read almost non-existent.”

“But low investment, policy mistakes, political instability, and Brexit, have combined to hold back growth by more than in many comparable nations.”
I can't believe how the regular few think the Tories were handling the economy well.

The mess we are in says otherwise
unemployment down, inflation down, avoided recession mostly.

With all the public sector/unions queuing up for bumper pay increases, we'll see inflation rise within a few months.

Reaves will increases taxes soon enough and keep blaming the Tories. Even Ed Balls pretty much said on GBM this morning that she was talking B@llox.
unemployment down, inflation down, avoided recession mostly.

With all the public sector/unions queuing up for bumper pay increases, we'll see inflation rise within a few months.

Reaves will increases taxes soon enough and keep blaming the Tories. Even Ed Balls pretty much said on GBM this morning that she was talking B@llox.
A very blinkered view.

Ignoring standards of living. Poverty levels. Etc.

The country is in a mess. It needs adults to sort it out.

The Tories were making it worse, not better. How far back do you want to compare to? 5 years, 10 years, 15 years ?
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