There goes a lot of your winter fuel payments

This time there really was no money! At least according to the IFS.

Nonetheless, some of the specifics are indeed shocking, and raise some difficult questions for the last government. If the scale of these overspends and spending pressures was apparent in the spring – and in lots of cases, there’s no reason to suppose otherwise – then it is hard to understand why they weren’t made clear or dealt with in the Spring Budget. Jeremy Hunt’s £10 billion cut to national insurance looks ever less defensible. On asylum costs, the decision to effectively stop processing claimants, and to budget virtually nothing for the resultant costs of housing them, looks like very poor policy making. The new Chancellor is right to be cross.
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The Tories were making it worse, not better. How far back do you want to compare to? 5 years, 10 years, 15 years ?
I think you’ll find that 15 years ago, the electorate had had enough of a Labour government. I bet this lot won’t last 14 years.
I think you’ll find that 15 years ago, the electorate had had enough of a Labour government. I bet this lot won’t last 14 years.
maybe so.

But the electorate had definitely had enough of the Tories at this election. That's the 1 that matters right now.

Think we would be better off with more of the same as we were getting? the majority clearly didn't think so.
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More speculation.

You are surely not another that thinks more of the same from the Tories was right.

The majority of the electorate didn't think so.
Didn’t say different, did I? I wasn't 'speculation' that the electorate were fed up with Labotpr 15 years ago so shut up with the 'maybe's'.
With all the public sector/unions queuing up
You haven't noticed that their pay deal is sorted then? Effectively similar to average rather recent wage increases. The civil side also need to reduce back office costs by 2%. NHS and teachers - increases for entirely different reasons. NHS - a change in working practice. A couple of hospitals have already done that. GP may crop up as a separate area but so far noises have been more like grumbles.

The pay rises are more likely to boost GDP than anything else. Not all work for the state. The general wage increase has already had inflationary effects. In some areas it's causing the BofE to hold back in interest rate cuts.

All your moaning about are changes made to the UK that over a long period of time that have achieved nothing at all in terms of the direction it needs to go. Why you are - There is a degree of roll back on some aspects. Labour's ideas on growth do not relate to the general Tory idea. Separate subject.
So there is seemingly a black hole so to save a few bob they are not going to pay some people 300 quid who are not on additional benefits. And then encourage the 800,000 not claiming additional benefits to claim them so they can then claim the 300 quid surely those additional 800,000 people's weekly benefits will out weigh any money saved
Smart cookies this new government. Next they’ll be wondering why all the well off don’t live here anymore (well for tax purposes at least ).
Smart cookies this new government. Next they’ll be wondering why all the well off don’t live here anymore (well for tax purposes at least ).
yes it is smart ending non means tested winter fuel payments

why should wealthy home owning pensioners get a winter fuel payment that just goes towards their luxury cruise G&Ts

the well off have never lived here for tax purposes
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