There is no such thing as "two tier policing"

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15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
The police make operational decisions based on risk not race.
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Except for stop and search, which is demonstrated to be unfair to minorities.
Except for stop and search, which is demonstrated to be unfair to minorities.

I understand now why Farage mentioned stop and search in his video!

I thought it was a bit random.
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Except for stop and search, which is demonstrated to be unfair to minorities.
According to the left as it suits them. Fact is it is mostly used in areas. In some ways who lives there doesn't matter.
The right take the opposite view not enough of what they like. Poor old police stick in the middle. I'm tempted to recount a car sop incident but wont.

Crowd control is not 2 tier.
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What when the police back off when the demonstration is full of non whites
Nuts. They watch and arrest people that break laws when they do. Your problem is not being aware of what the law breaking acts are. You just don't want certain demo's.

The approach all boils down to freedom of speech and allowing it - within reason as defined by the law.
What when the police back off when the demonstration is full of non whites, come on its totally two tier policing, like not tackling the grooming gangs up north.
yep, the police clearly had a softly softly approach to the Leeds riots a few weeks back - didn't want to offend anyone. (arrested a white woman for complaining about the riots!)
Had it been a BLM riot - they would have been taking the knee and apologising.

And it is not because the police can't do their job - when white people riot they quite correctly clamp down hard on it.

Two Tier Kier
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yep, the police clearly had a softly softly approach to the Rotherham riots a few weeks back

I don't watch much news so I think I missed this. And Googling just brings up Sunday's riot in Rotherham. Do you have any more details?
The Muslim chaps that viciously attacked the police at Manchester airport have not been charged.
An English chap who thumped a policeman got 3 years today.
What nationality were the people at Manchester airport? Could it be that the police ruined any chance of conviction by kicking one of them in the face when he was helpless and not resisting?

Also, they have been arrested and bailed, so they may well still end up being charged.

Oh and that English 'chap'...

Drummond, who has 14 previous convictions including several for violence
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The Muslim chaps that viciously attacked the police at Manchester airport have not been charged.
An English chap who thumped a policeman got 3 years today.
Oh really
Lawyers for the family of a man who was kicked and stamped on by police at an airport have made further allegations of mistreatment. Muhammad Fahir Amaaz was struck by a firearms officer at Manchester Airport after he and his brother Amaad Amaaz were arrested following a violent clash with police on 23 July.

Not worth commentating about the other stupid post. Twerp doesn't even seem to know when elections were held for one and hasn't a clue for the reasoning for the other aspect.
I see that the two blokes involved in that airport assault on plod have not been charged yet ??

Mind you I suppose it was only 14 days ??? Ago and the incident was filmed and on national TV
Yes exactly
;) :giggle:
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