To all those that welcome/encourage the small boat migrants.

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We could do the same with the prisons - declare all the criminals non-criminals and let them out early
We could do the same with the prisons - declare all the criminals non-criminals and let them out early
You really don't like how Labour are getting to grips with the chaos the Tories left do you.

4 weeks and doing better than 14 years
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You really don't like how Labour are getting to grips with the chaos the Tories left do you.

4 weeks and doing better than 14 years
I think he just likes giving running commentaries. Remember when he gave regular updates, each time his ULEZ (?) petition increased in numbers. Expect the same tedium.
I made no ULEZ petition. Are you confusing it with the petition against blanket 20mph speed limits in wales that got 1/2 a million signatures? Yep wasn’t mine either.

Are you struggling with memory in your old age?
I think he just likes giving running commentaries. Remember when he gave regular updates, each time his ULEZ (?) petition increased in numbers. Expect the same tedium.
@ MBK....If I make the question mark bigger, will it help you understand why I put it there?
Start with an Amnesty of Illegal immigrants (yes we spotted that in cooper's rant).

Declare the illegals, legal, problem fixed. Good job.
Someone's been reading the Daily Mail. That's not so bad. It's believing it that's the real shocker!

Labour accused of handing 'effective amnesty' to people arriving illegally in Britain as 70,000 migrants set to be given asylum in UK​

As some self-appointed pseudo solicitor you would expect him to read the small print. :rolleyes:
Under the headlines, it's reported:
The Home Secretary said she would allow officials to process the claims of up to 120,000 people who the last government said would never be allowed to settle here.

Can you see the difference?
The DM accuses the HS of giving amnesty, whereas the reality is that they will all be processed.

Currently they're all being accommodated, fed, secured, etc, at a cost of millions per day. And the number keeps rising.
In the near future the successful asylum seekers will be allowed to work and contribute to the UK economy.
The unsuccessful applicants will still need to be accommodated, fed, secured, etc.
So why not process them to reduce the cost of accommodating, feeding, securing the potential successful applicants?
That's the sensible approach.
Wow, what a ****show...

£700,000,000 for 4 volunteers...

It's crazy when you stop and actually think about it. Yes we know government can generally be wasteful, yes we know huge figures get banded about right left centre, millions, billions.

However when you visualise £700 million and then think about what's actually been achieved/delivered for that money ...
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