false framingNeither side paid much attention to the Minsk accord.
Putin sent in Wagner group to Donbas + Putin funded and armed Russian separatists, many of whom came from Russia
Ukraine was forced into defending the Donbas from being annexed which was Putins aim
it is false to claim "neither side paid much attention to the Minsk accord", the truth is that Ukraine was forced to defend itself
the cluster bombs were not used indiscriminately in "pro Russian areas", they were used to attack a rebel held are in DonetskZelensky used (intenationally illegal) cluster bombs in the pro Russian areas. He wasn't the hero,
you are trying to imply that Zelensky was using cluster bombs in civilian "pro Russian areas" -which is not true
facts and detail matter otherwise we end up with the false narrative you are trying to convey
not trueYes a swathe of Ukraine voted East in the elections
I suggest your check your facts