Trump Re Ukraine

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You have read, seen or heard Trump ?

Throwing Ukraine under the bus.

Straight into pootins hands.

When do you think he will stop ?
Lavrov (intelligent, skilled negotiator) is playing Trump (total dunce) like a fiddle. You can't help feeling embarrassed for regular Americans.
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I also thought lavrov had sanctions on travel applied to him?

Trump seems to have ignored or over ridden that too.

Dictator, he calls others
Is that strictly true.
The Russian meat wave myth.

A bit of digging shows that Alexander Robert is a Serb, the channel is blatantly pro Russia

Meat wave attacks are real in the sense that groups of novice Russian soldiers were sent in daily in Avdiivka to advance but they ended up getting stuck in minefields and everybody getting killed.

Sure “meat wave” is a media headline term, but the death rate on the Russian side was massive

after following Alexandre Robert and his channel HistoryLegends for some time now, it is obvious that his informations towards the ukraine conflict are intelligently covered propaganda. And covered it is. Information on him as a private person are rare but findable.

To better understand why his channel is pretty much a pro russian propagnda channel you have to understand and know his background.

"Alexandre Robert", I imagine this is not his real name, at least partially, is located in Quebec, Canada. At least it seems that way. I assume that choosing an north american last name is supposed to make it not too obvious to connect his propagandistic content to a pro russian agenda.

Based on his accent, it seems pretty clear that he is not french. And he is not. I have french friends who have a strong accent when speaking english and it sounds definetly nothing like Alexandre´s. Though I have the cultural background and can determine with the highest certainty that he is from the balkans.

At this point you should know where this going at.

The last indicator, if not proof, bringing light into this I found on his pinterest profile. It´s a profile with an image of a younger Alexandre. He is or was collecting and resharing military content. If you look through his collected content, you will also find images of serbian ultra nationalist ("cetniks") and other serbian natinalist related links like some kosovo related content.To be fair, there are all kinds of military content there, but finding a cetnik is pretty much only of serb interest. A uniqhorn so to say that not many people would stumble upon if you do not specifically search for cetnik images. But his pinterest walls is not what conviced me of my assumption towards Alexandre.

You can find his profile here:

I would like to ask you to focus on his accountname: alexRS1818This is what conviced me that Alexandre is a serb.

Let me break it down for you:

Alex- Shortform for Alexander. Seems this part of his name is somwhat legit even if it was a bit "frenchised".

RS- Shortform for "Republica Srpska" (Located in Bosnia & Hercegovina)

1818- A historic date for serbs. It represents the date when the city of Kraguljevac became the capitol of serbia after the ottoman empire left that part of serbia. Belgrade later became the new capitol.- It is also the year when the serbian cyrillic alphabet was created by serbian linguist Vuk Karadzic.

So by creating such a username, Alexandre relied on cryptic coding of nationalist, or at least patriotic messages used by many nationalist in serbia and embedding those into his username. You need to understand that being a serbian patriot is seen different then in other parts of the world. It pretty much equals to being a nationalist, often with militant values, who are very driven by historic dates.

Based on his LinkedIn profile he is a software engineering graduate and has no professional history education. Though many nationalist serbs have a high interest in the history of serbia/the balkans and grow up with a high focus on serbian historic dates. If you are born in such surroundings, you learn to know history and important dates even in young ages. This is how nationalist ideas are being passed from one generation to another. So his interest in military history is very understandable.

Taken everything into account, it can be said with certainty, that Alexandre is a nationalistic serb.

The tight connection and relation between serbia and russia would fill whole books and you can research it very easy on your own if you are interested in.A simple fact: At least in the crimea conflict in 2014 there were serbian militant nationalists, so called "cetniks", fighting on russian side versus ukraine. You can also find more than enough youtube content on this.

So if you want to know if the youtube channel "HistoryLegends" is biased, then let me tell you: it is.

It is more than that. It´s not as obvious as stoopid cheering for russia. It´s somwhat thoughtfully covered and shady propaganda driven by a pro russian agenda. By covering up his background he underlines this very much. This is exaclty why it makes it even more dangerous
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Well one things for certain the UK is stuck between a rock and a hard place

Sir Kier has a problem ??

Trump needs to wind his neck in and engage his mouth and brain at the same time in public ?

He is adding to the problem in particular if UK and other troops are deployed

It would be dangerous enough as it is with out Trump
Putting a target on there backs

Way I see it he is virtually giving poo tin a green light to target them ( may be)

Perhaps trump has some type of mental health issues or ? Terets or what ever it’s called ??

Jeez us wept
Well one things for certain the UK is stuck between a rock and a hard place

Sir Kier has a problem ??

Trump needs to wind his neck in and engage his mouth and brain at the same time in public ?

He is adding to the problem in particular if UK and other troops are deployed

It would be dangerous enough as it is with out Trump
Putting a target on there backs

Way I see it he is virtually giving poo tin a green light to target them ( may be)

Perhaps trump has some type of mental health issues or ? Terets or what ever it’s called ??

Jeez us wept

The thing I still can't get my head around is the $500bn of minerals Trump wants from Ukraine. That implies a big role for the USA in Ukraine.
The thing I still can't get my head around is the $500bn of minerals Trump wants from Ukraine. That implies a big role for the USA in Ukraine.

Every one is after rare earth metals / minerals

China probably controls the majority the worlds reserves ??????

As for the Ukraine he us probably looking a some type of leverage

Wat would p*** him off is if the Ukraine some how did a deal with China ????? :giggle: In the future ???
Well I am, these good gentlemen on here have convinced me that Trump is a very bad man, with orange skin and small hands.
And bony spurs that prevented him being called up, but not, surprisingly from criticising those who did serve.
The thing I still can't get my head around is the $500bn of minerals Trump wants from Ukraine. That implies a big role for the USA in Ukraine.
Its reparations for the "investment" the US has made to date in supplying weapons, payback if you will.
Every one is after rare earth metals / minerals

China probably controls the majority the worlds reserves ??????

As for the Ukraine he us probably looking a some type of leverage

Wat would p*** him off is if the Ukraine some how did a deal with China ????? :giggle: In the future ???

Trump wants Ukraine to give the USA $500bn of rare earths. But what I can't find anywhere is what the $500bn is for. Is it for the USA to provide future security. Is it to repay the money USA has already spent. Is it a fee for negotiating the peace deal.

Anyway, that led me to look into the issue of rare earths. What I found out is that it is not so much that China has all the reserves. It is more that only China has the technology to refine them. So they control the world supply.
Perhaps trump has some type of mental health issues or ? Terets or what ever it’s called ??
He is supposed to have inherited a pre disposition to dementia, as his father suffered with it. I've seen absolutely no sign of it though. America's decided to drop Europe and concentrate on the middle east and chinna. It's up to Europe to step up to the challenge
Its reparations for the "investment" the US has made to date in supplying weapons, payback if you will.

And is the idea that if they agree to give the USA the rare earths, Trump will negotiate a better deal for them?
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