We might be getting imperial measurements back.

Not really. As I understand it, unless you have a static IP address, switching your router off then back on assigns you a different IP address. And then there’s the VPN route that can be used……
So you could be half a dozen different members?
Hmm, Gant talks as much nonsense as you, then there's transam, :giggle:
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Mind giving us the main gist? It requires me to register, which I don't want to do as I probably won't use that service again
OK, had a listen on podcast today. Would seem that the main gist of the programs analysis was that the questions were biased and leading towards bringing back imperial measurements (how Bl**dy stupid!). The other comments was that there is a progression to complete metrication but also that there is little understanding in the younger age groups of imperial, similarly little understanding of metric measurements in the elder age groups (with some of the elder age groups aggressively opposed) - there was an acknowledgement that there is misunderstanding on the differing measurement systems between the old and young age groups.
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Not really. As I understand it, unless you have a static IP address, switching your router off then back on assigns you a different IP address. And then there’s the VPN route that can be used……

Seems an awful lot of trouble to go to, simply to cause these problems.
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So you could be half a dozen different members?
Hmm, Gant talks as much nonsense as you, then there's transam, :giggle:
Well there’s a few of us on here that are prepared to give their name, their job, their county and a mugshot. How about you if you've nothing to hide?
Easy for a moderator to sort out, from the IP's of each, if the moderation was adequate, they would be blocked from the site. Most forums include a membership rule of only one signup per IP.
Won't work if you run through a VPN and difficult if you have an ISP using rotating IPs?
We're both Martians really, we've been posted to earth to confuse people like you. (We're not Martians really, I'm just using that as an expression, because you wouldn't understand nor be able to pronounce the real planet's name from where we come.)
Z'ha 'dum by any chance?

I'm beginning to wonder whether Python was right, you know.
And again, Carman posts and Pat ex wakes up too. Anyone else find that strange? I mean, if you’re running under more than one forum name, you think you’d be a bit more discreet about it, wouldn’t you? ;)

Yes I have noted that a good while back

Very similar ;)

Yes exactly :ROFLMAO:
I can not think of a single reason or benefit for the old UK Imperial system. Utter (mathematical) garbage. Always was and always will be.
It was a tool used to keep poor uneducated people poor and uneducated. There is a clue in the name imperial
Yes I have noted that a good while back

Very similar ;)

Yes exactly :ROFLMAO:
So you believe we are the same person? Even though I said I don't know him or anything about him ?

You would believe me if I said I know him ? But not believe me when I say I dont? Do you see the problem yet ? Clue, look in the mirror.
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