We might be getting imperial measurements back.

I bet brexers hate the fact the metric system was invented by the French

the original metre standard is kept in France.
Maybe, but the internationally recognised base metre and base kilogram were actually made in the UK!
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What I like about the french is they don't take no shìt. If they have a beef they do something about it.... I like the french

I don't believe all this hatred.

Notice I used lower case f for Conny.
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Life was better in the days of imperial measurements.
Maybe, but bringing imperial back will not bring those times back.

I have nostalgic thoughts about the 70s (mostly probably due to the care-free feeling of childhood), but there were huge inflation and taxation rates, 3 day weeks, power cuts, striking, half-day closing and no shops open on Sundays, so lots of negatives that we seem to have forgotten.
I centimetered forward toward the bug and then whacked him with the fly swatter.

so much better to be able once more to say

I inched forward toward the bug and then whacked him with the fly swatter.

Inching = To proceed or move forward in very small increments or very gradually.
so lots of negatives that we seem to have forgotten.
Negatives that we coped with using our developing common sense and initiative. That was the positive that came from coping with those negatives, only we ( at least my circle of friends ) did no see as negatives.

Today for the majority of the population there is no need to develop common sense and initiative to overcome negatives.
Some of us have never stopped using imperial units.
I use inches when measuring out lengths of wire at work using inches marked on the front of my bench but only because they are a simple number and I don't need the precision of the mm for a wire length.
If I need to use mm then I do, it's not hard using both/either.
Some of us have never stopped using imperial units.
I use inches when measuring out lengths of wire at work using inches marked on the front of my bench but only because they are a simple number and I don't need the precision of the mm for a wire length.
If I need to use mm then I do, it's not hard using both/either.
One can measure in any increments one wishes. I've used my own feet on the golf course. The trouble with Imperial (and always has been) is using the system mathematically, i.e. multiplying etc. For that reason alone it should NEVER show the light of day. Good riddance!
Funny that, coming from you.
Everything I was taught when starting in the building trade was Imperial. I was labourer to two old boys. Imagine that - during your formative years being drilled every day using imperial. I switched to metric with relief and glee. All drawings now landing on my gaffers desk (early eighties) were in metric. They tried hopelessly to convert, whilst I measured using the metric side of the tape. My gaffer stormed off site when it came to multiply for the diagonals.

Honestly FFS! :rolleyes:
"The Bible indicates the original Ark was 300 cubits, using the Hebrew royal cubit that calculates in modern-day terms to 510 feet long,"

Link is valid but incorrectly named ( by forum software ? )
I suggest you read Fillyboys constant, childish hatred of the French.

that’s what I’m getting at.
Maybe, but your posts are normally more thought through and less provocative.
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