When does immigration become colonisation?

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Are you watching N Ireland? I think I'm right that the catholics' reproduction rate has meant they are now or will soon be the majority.

Catholic birth rates are falling

The church and its anti contraception anti abortion hold over the people is fading.

Your argument is outdated

Drinking will be off the books when a nutter like him in Scotland gets in.
Oh I thought you said “globalists” would have implanted chips in all our brains by then

Honestly you WEF / globalist / agent 30 nonsense is getting tiresome….go for a nice walk in the fresh air.
Oh I thought you said “globalists” would have implanted chips in all our brains by the
You can't help yourself telling lies.
Point me in the direction I said that.
It's all in that tiny mind of yours.
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All this protesting about sharia law, by the rwr that actually support lots of the ideas of it. Eye for an eye and all that.

Sharia law won't undermine the wealthy classes don't worry. And it's those that are in charge of you're lifestyles
You can't help yourself telling lies.
Point me in the direction I said that.
It's all in that tiny mind of yours.
point me in the direction where I stated you said that

try reading more carefully
BBC News had a good program on why the gov is increasing net migration and the downfalls when they then try to cut back. Finished now.
Interesting comment about talking to people about it. Thanks to the concentration on boat people that is often all they consider.
It seems a reasonable probability then, that muslims may become the majority in UK MPs within say 3 generations.
The new legislation stating that females over the age of 12 are to wear trousers in public is a positive step forward ...
The new legislation that pubs and clubs will only be open weekdays with women excluded after 6pm is a positive step forward ...
The new legislation banning any joke on television relating to any god and/or any religion is a positive step forward ...

No doubt some of you are reading the above thinking 'aye right, as if!!!'

We'll see, well thankfully I won't :)
Catholic birth rates are falling

The church and its anti contraception anti abortion hold over the people is fading.

Your argument is outdated

Check your facts, son. What I wrote.
It wasn't an argument, it was about facts.
It has already happened.

Birth rates DO affect the political balance..
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I believe the birth rate of Muslims in the UK will gradually fall and this will all turn out to be a big worry over nothing.
The UK (and many other countries) ain't seen nothing yet re migrants whether legal or not. Coming decades, if the experts are to be believed (not always a sensible thing to do I grant you), the globe is going to see millions displaced due to war, unrest and climate.
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