When does immigration become colonisation?

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The new legislation stating that females over the age of 12 are to wear trousers in public is a positive step forward ...
The new legislation that pubs and clubs will only be open weekdays with women excluded after 6pm is a positive step forward ...
The new legislation banning any joke on television relating to any god and/or any religion is a positive step forward ...

No doubt some of you are reading the above thinking 'aye right, as if!!!'

We'll see, well thankfully I won't :)
I missed those. When did they become law?
Dunno tbh

Do they believe in cutting theives hands off that break into trade person vans and pinch there tools ? They might get my vote ??
They might not permit trans people.
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They might not permit trans people.

Well being Islamic any trans sexuals and gays would have a problem

Woman’s rights would go down the collective toilet

How ever perhaps they might be open to some type of negotiation ? Sort of cherry pick there policies

Any one breaking into trades persons vans and pinching tools gets stood up against the nearest wall ??? And ;)

Chopping hands off ect would create an added burden on the NHS (?)

One needs to carefully consider these consequences and think out side the box :cool:
Well being Islamic any trans sexuals and gays would have a problem
Are transexuals and gay people allowed to be ordained in the various Christian churches?
Woman’s rights would go down the collective toilet
Are women considered equal, and allowed to be ordained in the various Christian churches?
How ever perhaps they might be open to some type of negotiation ? Sort of cherry pick there policies
Any one breaking into trades persons vans and pinching tools gets stood up against the nearest wall ??? And ;)
But child sexual abuse is ignored in various Christian churches?
Is the thread an early scare mongering April fool's joke
It's been taken over by racists peddling made-up scare stories. They'll be telling us next that religionists want to ban straight bananas, or imprison unmarried mothers in slave camps operating commercial laundries.
Saw an article recently ?

Where it stated that there are only 20 (?) countries in the world that the Uk (
( British empire ) have never invaded ??
Are you watching N Ireland? I think I'm right that the catholics' reproduction rate has meant they are now or will soon be the majority. The political balance has clearly tipped in the last few years
It's a mistake to equate Roman Catholic with Irish nationalist.
Irish nationalist parties share of the vote hasn't increased in 25 years.

A lot of the rise in the number of people claiming to be Roman Catholic in N.I. is driven by immigration from Eastern Europe.
Poles,Lithuanians , Latvians and all the rest.
We know this because Post Brexit 50,000 Eastern Europeans
have applied for the right to remain in the UK.
Check your facts, son. What I wrote.
It wasn't an argument, it was about facts.
It has already happened.
Your facts are wrong.
It's a mistake to equate Roman Catholic with Irish nationalist

Catholics predominantly consider themselves Irish and hold nationalist views - they want an independent Ireland free from British control
It's a mistake to equate Roman Catholic with Irish nationalist.
Irish nationalist parties share of the vote hasn't increased in 25 years.
I'm hoping that in any referendum, the voter for Irish unity are more enlightened than their British cousins who voted for Brexit.
Just as Brexit was a multifaceted issue, so is Irish unity.
People need to know what a new "Ireland" will look like.

A lot of the rise in the number of people claiming to be Roman Catholic in N.I. is driven by immigration from Eastern Europe.
Poles,Lithuanians , Latvians and all the rest.
It's accepted that the natural birth rate is responsible for the rise in Catholics:
Higher birth rates among Catholics gradually closed the gap, a closely watched metric since they tended to identify as Irish while Protestants tended to identify as British. But religious background and political identity no longer automatically transferred to voting patterns, Ferriter said. “So much is blurred now.”
But I accept your first point:
It's a mistake to equate Roman Catholic with Irish nationalist.

Catholics predominantly consider themselves Irish and hold nationalist views - they want an independent Ireland free from British control
Not all Roman Catholics are nationalist or Irish.
A majority maybe but equating the rise in the numbers of Roman Catholics with support for a United Ireland is not correct.
I pointed out that the rise in the Roman Catholic population in N.I. was due to immigration from Eastern Europe.
Most of these immigrants have applied for right to remain in the UK, as they have gone to the trouble of applying for UK citizenship post Brexit, they are not going to throw all that away by voting for to leave the UK and lose their citizenship.
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