EV are they worth it?

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Well, the old oil burner has gone to another life. A taxi, probably, and fair play to it: it served me well, for six years and 120 k. But, it was costing a fortune in BiK tax for me, and had more warning lights than a Ukrainian radar station......

Now in a EV rocket ship which took me from south brum to sunny staffs, out for a meal, and then a Leeds return trip....... without needing a charge (y)
Half a tank's worth of diesel would have covered that, so about £30.

Gave it a charge overnight at home, for the princely sum of £4.60 (y)
Is that the same old diesel which has spent so much time on the 2 post lift, going up and down like a tart's tights? :giggle:

One thing that occurred to me is that you say it's an 'old' diesel. Yes it is, 20 years old to be precise. :cool:

Wonder how long an EV will last. 10 years maximum before batteries are dead and not economical to replace. Poss few years less if the batteries haven't been treated well.

Yep, built in obsolesence with EV white goods. Don't knock those old oil burners! (y)
Aye, although most folk would've taken less than three years to buy a house...what're you looking for, one with a built-in cat flap?
Gave it a charge overnight at home, for the princely sum of £4.60 (y)
What is the opportunity price of the EV burning the house down? Like Avocet, you would not have read the insurance T&C and realise you are not covered in such an event.
Ev are not suitable for everybody. Certainly not yet anyway

Do you think petrol or diesel is the future?
Not when I regularly have to drive to Portsmouth/Dover, get the ferry then drive to south western France. No faffing around hoping I can charge up my AAAs. No waiting around. Just hit the road, all on one tank.

Like I said, in my experience.

Our lads are struggling to get 300 miles on a tank.
The recent video would suggest the owner would be locked in the EV.
No idea what that video is, but no one can be locked into a vehicle. They all have manual door releases.
Unfortunately there are always some people are too stupid to use such things.
Do you think petrol or diesel is the future?
It may be or it may not be. We will know when we get there. Burning hydrocarbons to produce motion will always be more efficient than burning hydrocarbons to produce electricity, then to produce motion from that. It's a no brainer except for the greedy politician who hopes to get kickback from big battery because he isn't getting a kickback from big oil.

With lithium being so easy to burn, I see a future of burning lithium for motion. Lithium will be even more efficient than petrol or diesel. Lithium is the future, but not in the way you hope.
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