EV are they worth it?

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That's good.
My ICE does 650 miles on £80 diesel! May consider EV next time if price, range etc makes sense

Don't forget to factor in the greatly increased cost of buying an EV and poss heavier depreciation. Then as more misguided people pour their hard earned into these things, road tax and elec will increase in price for them.

And also that you will have to more than likely drive something hideous that sounds like a milk float. :eek:
Don't forget to factor in the greatly increased cost of buying an EV and poss heavier depreciation. Then as more misguided people pour their hard earned into these things, road tax and elec will increase in price for them.

And also that you will have to more than likely drive something hideous that sounds like a milk float. :eek:

Yeah, I'm terrified that next year, I might have to pay £190 in road tax, and that's gonna take me the best part of 6 weeks to save in fuel! :ROFLMAO:
Whatever - do you honestly think that EVs will eventually become more expensive to run than ICE vehicles?
It is already more expensive to run. Depreciation, battery replacement, labour cost for charging, increased risk of burning the house, bridge, car park, plane down all add up.
It is already more expensive to run.

Only if you can't / won't do simple maths (y)


Perry's were advertising a 2022 Evoque on here, £12k.
As these started at over £40k, that's a tidy hit right there (y)
Tell me that an equivalent EV is worse (y)

battery replacement,

1. it doesn't need one
2. even if it did, it'd be under warranty until the rest of the car - just like an equivalent ICE would be - was well worn anyway.

labour cost for charging

Just how much do you think 2 minutes of my time is worth? :ROFLMAO:

increased risk of burning the house, bridge, car park down


increased risk of burning the plane down

Seriously? :oops: No: don't answer that :ROFLMAO:
That's just the start, Sonny..................................just the start. :idea:

Boiling frogs comes to mind. Just make sure they not 'cooking on gas'! ;)(y)
I have little doubt that taxation on EVs will increase in the future. (That's why the smart folk get in early and enjoy the incentives). In fact, really, I should be grateful to the Luddites, because the longer they whine and moan and drag their heels on EV uptake, the longer I'll be able to enjoy the incentives!

However, I am equally certain that taxation of ICEs will rise even further than EVs, for as long as folk still use them.

As you say, this is just the start...
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So... One of the most frequent criticisms of EVs, is that they cost too much. That looks like it might be about to change...

Not my cup of tea (I'd rather have an older, better-specified car for the same money, but there's a new EV that can be had for not wally that much money.
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