EV are they worth it?

As with other EV owners here, why not just admit the risk is too high in burning the house down?

The risk is that the car will not physically get up the drive - between the house and boundary walls - let alone through the garage door (y)

Although why would I be inclined to pander to your requests - to "admit" anything - anyway, given that all you ever do is post trolling bollogs, is beyond any reasonable person, as it is beyond me (y)
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The risk is that the car will not physically get up the drive - between the house and boundary walls - let alone through the garage door (y)

Although why would I be inclined to pander to your requests - to "admit" anything - anyway, given that all you ever do is post trolling bollogs, is beyond any reasonable person, as it is beyond me (y)
Changing story already, very convincing. First, car can't fit in garage, now car can't get on drive way. Next, car must park 2 blocks away owing to this or that reason.
Changing story already, very convincing. First, car can't fit in garage, now car can't get on drive way. Next, car must park 2 blocks away owing to this or that reason.

Not really a changing story though, is it? He said it wouldn't fit in his garage, and he's still saying it won't fit in his garage. He's provided additional information to say that it won't fit in his garage OR up his drive. If he posts again, saying it won't fit in his garage, or up his drive or under his bed, is that also "changing his story"? Thinking about it, there is probably quite a long list of places it won't fit... :rolleyes:
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Not really a changing story though, is it? He said it wouldn't fit in his garage, and he's still saying it won't fit in his garage. He's provided additional information to say that it won't fit in his garage OR up his drive. If he posts again, saying it won't fit in his garage, or up his drive or under his bed, is that also "changing his story"? Thinking about it, there is probably quite a long list of places it won't fit... :rolleyes:
If car can't even get to the garage, why would the garage size be relevant? Typical EV owner logic!
Do you get yourself off on making a fool of yourself?!

A question was asked:

Would anyone in here who owns an EV be prepared to charge it overnight in an internal garage?

He answered the question.
He sure did and then came up with various reasons why he can't. So, I helped him with the real answer. If there is a will, there is a way is how I see it.

No, you did your usual twisting of words in order to create a false insinuation and demonstrated your usual lack of comprehension.

Once again, as you seem to be really struggling with it), the question was:

"Would anyone in here who owns an EV be prepared to charge it overnight in an internal garage?"

The question was not "why aren't you prepared to charge it overnight in an internal garage?

The answer given was that in his case, it was irrelevant as it wouldn't fit anyway. You, however, are desperate to try and read more into that than is actually there, because YOU have a vested interest in peddling FUD, so you want to try and insinuate that there is some other reason. That's really not a very nice character trait...
Who stores a car in a garage anyway? That's just weird.

Garages are for storing power tools and converting to additional living space.

Er... me! (But only half of the garage. I could get another car in the other half, if I cleared out the stuff that was in there...) ;)

And just to stick two fingers up at Nutjob and his amateur propaganda, here's my EV today, plugged into its charger, in the rain, within touching distance of my window. The garage is detached, so even if the old ICE car wasn't in it and I put the EV in there instead, I wouldn't really get the same adrenaline rush as I get when I park it right next to the house that we're all sleeping it... ;)

EV outside house.jpg

I'm thinking of putting a wooden carport on the side of the house for the EV to live under, but might need to soak the timers in ICE fuel first, to make it more likely to burn... :ROFLMAO:
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here's my EV today, plugged into its charger
I can immediately see tripping over and electrocution risk. As an ICE owner, I don't have to go out there in the rain. Nor do I have to think about it: engine off, done!
I can immediately see tripping over and electrocution risk.

And that, from the bloke who wanted to jack his car up on its brake discs... :ROFLMAO:

Golden... truly golden....:rolleyes:

As an ICE owner, I don't have to go out there in the rain. Nor do I have to think about it: engine off, done!

Neither did I. It wasn't raining when I plugged it in a couple of days ago. I can choose when I plug in, and it takes less time than it does to pull a petrol pump out of its holster, undo the filler cap, and push it down the hole.

But the best bit, is that once I've done that, I don't have to stand there like a lemon, holding it...:giggle:
And that, from the bloke who wanted to jack his car up on its brake discs... :ROFLMAO:

Golden... truly golden....:rolleyes:

Neither did I. It wasn't raining when I plugged it in a couple of days ago. I can choose when I plug in, and it takes less time than it does to pull a petrol pump out of its holster, undo the filler cap, and push it down the hole.

But the best bit, is that once I've done that, I don't have to stand there like a lemon, holding it...:giggle:

And all for a tenth of the cost.................
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