EV are they worth it?

That's not actually true. Once they stopped being so smoke-filled, people started bringing their kids into pubs - someone them even installed soft play areas. These were people who previously, had been forced to give the pub a miss for the sake of the health of their children. What's killing pubs off, is the availability of cheap booze in supermarkets.

And the kids, treating the pubs as play areas, running round screaming, does put many people off pubs. Often these are the people who might spend the money in them..
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I think it's just tightening the screws a bit further on a habit that costs the NHS £millions each year, and ties-up scarce resource

I think you'll find that someone who has been smoking for 40+ years has more than paid for their medical care in tobacco taxes. :idea:

Also, remember that as smokers don't live so long, they will receive years, poss decades less in state pension payments. :idea:

My father is 91, never smoked, but has been a massive ongoing cost to the NHS over the last few years with continual hospital stays, carers, district nurses, hospital appointments, ambulances, special equipment, tons of precription drugs, etc - plus 27 years state pension payments. We now have massive financial and social problems due to a rapidly ageing population. You haven't thought this through, have you? :rolleyes:
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You mean the ones just about hanging on that weren't wiped out by the smoking ban, etc?

Cobblers! Look at Dublin. The pubs there, used to have smoke detectors that went off if it wasn't smoky enough! The smoking ban there, was going to kill off pubs...

...it never happened. The ban came in, and the pubs are doing just fine.

I think you need to find another bogeyman to blame for the demise of the British pub.

So you don't want people's smoke inflicted on you, but it's ok to inflict their unruly, screaming kids.

People have died of secondary cancer. Nobody has ever died of secondary screaming unruly kids... :rolleyes:

Jeez, if any of the pubs I use started admitting kids, I would stop going there. Pubs are/should be one place where adults go to get away from such things. Kids get very bored in pubs because there's not much there for them. Also, British kids are particularly badly behaved especially at a table. On the contrary, when on the continent children are much better behaved in restaurants because they are made to sit at the table and interact with their parents/other adults with them. They aren't allowed to run around screaming and disturb others. When I was a child in the 70s, kids weren't allowed in pubs. If we were on holiday, we might be allowed in the garden with a coke and crisps. That's fair enough.

Those who want screaming kids and soft play areas - are perfectly catered for in McDonalds. That's where they should stay.

Amazing, isn't it? The guy who wants pubs to be adult-only spaces, and gets grumpy about "unruly screaming kids", has actually, in the same post, given the reason why they're screaming and unruly! Yes, they'er far better behaved on the continent, and they tend not to have the binge drinking problems as they turn into young adults, that we have in this country.

...and by some strange coincidence, the Mediterranean countries with far more child friendly cultures, who DON'T want their bars and restaurants to be adult-only spaces, who actually treat their kids like part of the family, and put the effort into teaching them the necessary social skills, have better behaved, better-socialised kids...

...it's almost like there might be a connection, isn't it...?:rolleyes:
I knew you'd come to appreciate EVs one day...;) If it's any consolation, mine's speed-limited too. It won't do more than 118, but it gets there pretty quick...:LOL:

For quite limited use, yes, I have always appreciated them. They are perfect for delivering the morning milk, door to door.

Only 118, mine does a fair bit more than that, as well as being able to tow a caravan, without regular long breaks to recharge :cool:
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And the kids, treating the pubs as play areas, running round screaming, does put many people off pubs. Often these are the people who might spend the money in them..

You'd almost think, with all these curmudgeons about, that there's be a thriving business opportunity for adult-only pubs, wouldn't you...?

However, the reality, is that (despite what you and Regan might think), not that many people want them.
For quite limited use, yes, I have always appreciated them. They are perfect for delivering the morning milk, door to door.

Only 118, mine does a fair bit more than that, as well as being able to tow a caravan, without regular long breaks to recharge :cool:

Thanks, I used to have those. Bloody expensive to fuel though...;)
You'd almost think, with all these curmudgeons about, that there's be a thriving business opportunity for adult-only pubs, wouldn't you...?

However, the reality, is that (despite what you and Regan might think), not that many people want them.

Nowt against kids, in pubs - I always providing they behave and are in proper control. Except, most are not - parents just let them run wild, which can be dangerous in a pub, serving hot food. One local, used to serve some food on red hot cast iron skillets, they had to stop, because of the risk of tripping, with so many unruly kids.
My kids are young enough - just - to have been born after the smoking ban came in.

They are therefore unlikely to suffer from any smoking-related illness, unless they stupidly try to inflict one on themselves.
The smoke from lithium batteries is toxic though. More EVs increases probability of intaking such smoke.
Pubs did!

Nooo, they didn't die of that. I just happens to be a bogeyman that certain people have picked (without putting up any evidence) are claiming.

The real reasons are far more complicated and wide-ranging.

Not least because (as Tim Martin will tell you - or maybe he won't ;) ), those idiot Brexiteers managed to shoot themselves in the foot and lose their cheap bar staff! :ROFLMAO:
Nowt against kids, in pubs - I always providing they behave and are in proper control. Except, most are not - parents just let them run wild, which can be dangerous in a pub, serving hot food. One local, used to serve some food on red hot cast iron skillets, they had to stop, because of the risk of tripping, with so many unruly kids.

Yet this doesn't seem to be a problem on the Continent, where kids are very much a part of everyday life...
Cobblers! Look at Dublin. The pubs there, used to have smoke detectors that went off if it wasn't smoky enough! The smoking ban there, was going to kill off pubs...

...it never happened. The ban came in, and the pubs are doing just fine.

Ok, that's conclusive then. Pubs in a tourist city in a foreign country still have customers, so the same must be true for The UK's pubs. :rolleyes:
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