EV are they worth it?

Yeah... OK... Keep reading the Mail and watching GB News...;)

Jeez, not only are you an EVangelist, you're now an immigration denier. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I don't need to read The Mail and never see GB news - I sometimes visit the shops on the estate. I have my own eyes and ears, which unlike yours aren't blinkered or non working.

But of course, your arrogance leads you to believe you are always right and you know more about a council estate than me that you have never visited.

Possibly, you could just be serially contrary to troll your nonsensical 'opinions'. :rolleyes:
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A number of posters on here don't want to make the transition to EVs. They don't want to make the transition to renewables. They want to carry on as we've always done, burning fossil fuels, polluting the air we breathe, warming the planet, and prolonging our dependency on other countries who have oil, instead of wanting to increase our own energy security, confront the problems, and develop new technologies, new ways of working and living. That's how you become a third world country.

Not quite - The route to become a Third World country, is to spend more than you can afford, making too rapid, and ill thought out changes.

Thank you for admitting that your only experience of EV's, is simply as a user/driver of such vehicles, rather than an owner driver, paying the actual costs of such a vehicle. Most of us arguing against you, seem to be those who actually have the ownership bills to pay, out of our own pockets.
And absolutely nobody (least of all me!) is telling them they have to go out and buy an EV tomorrow! My own son is a teenage student, with an old ICE car that he paid £1100 for. I'm totally cool with that! However, what I'd take a dim view of, is him going round spreading BS and misinformation about EVs. That helps nobody (except maybe the big oil companies...)

and some of us ICE owners, are perfectly cool, with EV. For instance, I used my own EV, just an hour ago, to take a trip to 'spoons, for a breakfast. It's back on charge again now. They have their uses, but they also have serious limitations.
There aren't enough 4* hotels for all of them. I'm guessing the hotels are only a staging post for the latest arrivals until our politicians very generously give them more permanent accommodation. The council estate up the road from me is rapidly changing colour and I'm seeing more and more women wearing head to toe sheets wandering around. In the midst of a housing crisis, when locals can't get on the ch list, their homes are being given to foreigners. Politicians = traitors.
My parents couldn't get on the waiting list for a council house years and years ago.

Must have been all the foreigners.
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So I have my EV charging on my drive over night and go to drive off for work in the morning only to find that the national grid has sucked all the power out of it for themselves.
And then later I go to charge it cause its flat as I need it later but the national grid says I cant charge it yet cause they are too busy.
So I have my EV charging on my drive over night and go to drive off for work in the morning only to find that the national grid has sucked all the power out of it for themselves.
And then later I go to charge it cause its flat as I need it later but the national grid says I cant charge it yet cause they are too busy.
That's happened has it?

I have been to 3 fuel stations looking for fuel before now ( happened last night as the mist recent example) because they were out of fuel.

That's not including the times of strikes or other shortages.
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