EV are they worth it?

The UK were the first to develop and adopt many things. Being the first adopter, does one no financial favours at all - all the expense, then perhaps development might find an entirely different and incompatible path. EV's will likely be just a temporary blip, to be replaced by something better, and more environmentally friendly.

We developed railways, only to eventually be left way behind, as other countries took advantage of our expensive mistakes, and were able to avoid them.


Britain's power was at it's absolute peak when we gave the world the steam engine! We exported all over the world! Entire countries have largely British rail infrastructure and they paid handsomely for it! :ROFLMAO:
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Jut a quick show of hands from the other EV divers on here please? Does anyone else park on other peoples' drives to charge their EVs?

Reagan here, seems to think it's "typical" behavior?

P.S. extra points if you do it AND you're brown...;)
I still drive an ice. But I sometimes park outside other people's houses, does that count ?
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That's great, but sounds like a right faff.

Gosh! there are some real snowflakes on here! :ROFLMAO: You're not one of those folk who thinks it's easier to drive somewhere to fill a car, are you?

Can you programme the car to only accept 80% charge, or do you have to pull the plug at the right time?

Amazingly, you can! You can do it from inside the car on the dashboard, or you can do it from the comfort of your armchair on your phone. You can tell it exactly how much to put in. No peering at some numbers on a petrol pump and trying to decide when to let go of the trigger...
The future, in regards to - your need to charge your EV. Having to predict, in advance, how much charge you might need in, in your milk float.

Obviously, your milk float, will only be a passing phase, to be replaced with something more practical.

I can remember doing that with my ICE too. "Shall I put a tenner in? Maybe £20? Or p'raps I should just brim it..."? Yeah... it was really difficult...:ROFLMAO:

It's hard to describe to someone who doesn't have the choice of filling up at pump prices, or filling up at about 1/10th of pump prices...
oh I believe them - I just dont think EV - as they are at the moment are the answer.

You seem to think hydrogen is the answer (...once you've found a way of separating it from its oxygen without using more energy than it would take to just use it to power EV anyway...)
It's hard to describe to someone who doesn't have the choice of filling up at pump prices, or filling up at about 1/10th of pump prices...
And welcome to your new £190 tax regime
The government are taking the **** out of you mate :LOL:
A way to maybe make it work has occurred to me - simple pricing tariffs, if we get to the stage of dynamic pricing based on grid load. Wouldn't be rocket science to have a EV tariff with more attractive rates for charging than non-EV ones (which I think some suppliers already offer?) to encourage EV owners to sign up, and peak demand-management prices set high for EV customers who don't also sign up for V2G, and lower for those who do.

It would have to be tied into EV tariffs, as you can't penalise non-EV owners for not joining in V2G.

Octopus do something like that, but it's more the other way round - cheaper prices when there's low demand. Remember also that it can work for people with house batteries, though.
Gosh! there are some real snowflakes on here! :ROFLMAO: You're not one of those folk who thinks it's easier to drive somewhere to fill a car, are you?

Amazingly, you can! You can do it from inside the car on the dashboard, or you can do it from the comfort of your armchair on your phone. You can tell it exactly how much to put in. No peering at some numbers on a petrol pump and trying to decide when to let go of the trigger...
Nothing like getting to the fuel station and realising you've not got your wallet, just a £20 note stuck in the phone case.

Phew, just stopped the fuel at £19.99. Will have to fill up tomorrow
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