EV are they worth it?

You're not one of those folk who thinks it's easier to drive somewhere to fill a car, are you?

Why not? Couldn't be any easier, no planning, when it gets low, just pull in and instantly top it up. No need for an enforced break, on route.

No peering at some numbers on a petrol pump and trying to decide when to let go of the trigger...
I just squeeze the trigger, when full, it stops. No drama, no concerns about 80%, or over draining it, reducing the life.
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Why not? Couldn't be any easier, no planning, when it gets low, just pull in and instantly top it up. No need for an enforced break, on route.

I just squeeze the trigger, when full, it stops. No drama, no concerns about 80%, or over draining it, reducing the life.

Oh... you're one of those who has to keep pulling a trigger to fill... yeah... I remember that....

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So there with that simple instrument is the control by which gov will be able to dictate who can have a car when there are no more ICE.
No, there, I have to inform you, is that simple instrument you have instead of a proper brain generating some weebling conspiracy fantasy.

But hey - you keep on believing it, if you want, because as the years go by, and none of it comes to pass, you will more and more come to realise what a twerp you've been.

And if on the way you've lost contact with friends and family who have dropped you from their lives because of your incessant conspiracy fantasy weebling, so much the better.
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Maybe for now but the requirement is for all chargers sold to have this facility.
No, not all, just the sort people would have at home.

Assuming you're not so deranged that you'd actually want to see EVs banned, I wonder how you'd feel if you got home from work one day to find your house cold and dark and found out that it was the load from your neighbours charging their EVs in the day which had precipitated the power cut, and the supplier said "Sorry, mate, nothing we can do to make them charge overnight when we've got plenty of capacity", and then you found there was a way.

And then you found that they wouldn't implement that because the weirdo a few doors down who's always banging on about covid vaccines, and manmade climate change being a myth, and sees Marxists everywhere, and thinks the government want to stop people from owning cars has made such a fuss about the default for EV charging to be overnight.

What would you think of that weirdo, I wonder.
Yes correct. They could not do it without you letting them in. Smart EV chargers are required by law to allow control from outside "primarily for the benefit of the electricity system;" its there in black and white on the gov website.

So you don't think that it is in society's interest to have a manageable electricity supply system.

Go ahead walk through your life with the trust of a child.

That's it?

That's the best you can do?

You make a statement about things which WILL happen, I ask you to provide proof to justify the statement, you come up with some pathetic failure to do so and think you've succeeded, I reiterate that you are required to prove what you said WILL happen, and you say that?

I'll tell you what I'll do - I'll walk through my life as an intelligent rational adult.

You just carry on weebling.
Ok lets take your picture and it could charge 2 cars - now take a terraced house which could fit 1 car out the front - there are 7M terraced houses and that means 3.5M charge outlets will need to be fitted.
Aint gonna happen.
Add the fact the local neds would just LOVE to vandalise the things ...
So you spend much of your time, planning your life around your car and it's battery state of charge. I don't, I check the fuel gauge, if it's low, I just instantly top it up at a garage, with diesel.
Now now Harry, behave, this is 'progress' or so they tell us ...
I've said before, one way government could start to turn the screw is to bring in legislation that in some way or other affects businesses that operate forecourts. We could see an accelerated (pardon the pun) decline of forecourts offering diesel and petrol over the coming 10-20 years.

They'll find a way to force through the EV narrative. Then, a decade or two after the masses adopting the tech, government will advise EVs are no longer considered good for the environment with the masses advised to adopt whatever comes next ... the horse & cart maybe, heck let's go full circle!
Oh look - another paranoid weebler.

Still, at least you'll be good for safety. No danger of an EV driven by you catching pedestrians unawares - they'll hear the fizzing and slipping cogs in your head a mile off.
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