EV are they worth it?

Not how it was sold to you was it ?
My car tax is £35 but I suppose that is the difference in the damage your heavy lump does to the road compared to mine.
No, I don't think that's the reason at all.

You have to remember why certain cars were given low or nil taxation levels
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You're not one of those folk who thinks it's easier to drive somewhere to fill a car, are you?
Horror of horrors!! How did we ever survive the trauma. It is a lot easier to put a few quid in the tank every couple of weeks on the way out of Asda after getting some groceries. Neighbour seems to be forever faffing around on their drive, plugging and unplugging their battery thing.
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I've said before, one way government could start to turn the screw is to bring in legislation that in some way or other affects businesses that operate forecourts. We could see an accelerated (pardon the pun) decline of forecourts offering diesel and petrol over the coming 10-20 years.

Yes, that's almost certainly true. As the nation moved away from coal, we didn't need coal merchants so much. The air got a lot cleaner, we started living longer, and our city buildings weren't covered in black ****. As the nation moves away from petrol and diesel, we won't need filling stations so much. Our air will get cleaner and... (Well, you know the rest...) :)

They'll find a way to force through the EV narrative. Then, a decade or two after the masses adopting the tech, government will advise EVs are no longer considered good for the environment with the masses advised to adopt whatever comes next ... the horse & cart maybe, heck let's go full circle!

Maybe. And if something better comes along, I'll grab it with both hands! The funny thing, will be watching all the grumpy old gits who will have got used to EVs by then, and are every bit as resistant to change as they are today, coming out with all these (largely spurious) reasons as to why they're bad...;)
Not how it was sold to you was it ?
My car tax is £35 but I suppose that is the difference in the damage your heavy lump does to the road compared to mine.

No. Your car's tax was based on CO2 emissions, not road damage. Best look after it, as that taxation scheme ended in 2017...
Horror of horrors!! How did we ever survive the trauma. It is a lot easier to put a few quid in the tank every couple of weeks on the way out of Asda after getting some groceries. Neighbour seems to be forever faffing around on their drive, plugging and unplugging their battery thing.

Once you get used to electricity, it's quite easy, really. Try it, it's much better than those gas lamps you're using...
Neighbour seems to be forever faffing around on their drive, plugging and unplugging their battery thing.
My next-door neighbour has an EV, and I've never noticed them ever faffing like that.

Nor the ones 2 doors down who have 2 EVs and only one charger.

Maybe there's something in the water where you live which makes everybody a bit dim.
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