EV are they worth it?

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And it is not my choice that I have to pay to support your (ultimately, likely futile) treatment.

Are you completely blind to fiscal realities? Do you get off on appearing to be loose with facts or oblivious to anything at all that smacks of common sense???

If I spend 30 or 40 years on the lash, 40 a day, hot and cold running hoes (actually forget the hoes, they only take cash) - exactly how much tax do you think I've paid on these pleasures? Probably tens of thousands.

Now, because of over enjoying myself, I peg out at 65, three years before I get to claim my state pension. Which I have actually paid for. How many hundreds of thousands has this saved the country, compared to me living into my 90s??

So how do your reckon you are supporting me? Please engage brain before keyboard!
Because you cannot see further then your nose
But I can.

I'm a mechanic, who doesn't work on EV's.

The trade is changing, those who don't change with it will fall by the wayside. That's me included.

But I have my plans. Mine,nobody else's.

Where am I being forced to do what I don't want to? Ice vehicles are likely to be around for 30, 40 possibly 50 years still.

But they aren't the future, dirty, smelly, expensive inefficient things that they are.

I wonder what all the horse specialists made of the arrival of ice .

Open your own eyes.
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Are you completely blind to fiscal realities? Do you get off on appearing to be loose with facts or oblivious to anything at all that smacks of common sense???

If I spend 30 or 40 years on the lash, 40 a day, hot and cold running hoes (actually forget the hoes, they only take cash) - exactly how much tax do you think I've paid on these pleasures? Probably tens of thousands.

Now, because of over enjoying myself, I peg out at 65, three years before I get to claim my state pension. Which I have actually paid for. How many hundreds of thousands has this saved the country, compared to me living into my 90s??

So how do your reckon you are supporting me? Please engage brain before keyboard!

I didn't say that I am supporting you: I said that I am paying into a system where people are also needlessly draining it of money.

Besides, your example only makes any fiscal sense if, rather than spunk the bunce on fags and booze, you stick it under the mattress.
Most people will spend the money - and pay into the exchequer - regardless.
Yes, basically. I don't want anyone micro-managing my life - certainly not politicians. If you like or need to be controlled, fine. But I don't. Life is dangerous, I don't want puritanical, over zealous people interfereing. If I want to kill myself with fags, booze sugar and whores - that's my choice. Yes, give me the information - then let me decide.

Of course, all this control, like the climate control industry, is yet another money gouging activity by the government. Eg. they want to protect me from the perils of having a Coke with sugar - by taking extra money off of me. Quelle surprise!!

The trouble with letting idiot, vain politicians rule your life is they don't know when to stop. Banning smoking in pubs was a bit heavy handed - they could have left some pubs smoking, others not. Much better than closing them. However, I could see some sense in this ban. But now they can't stop themselves from banning activities that harm no one but the smoker - banning smoking in pub gardens. This is just complete control freakery. Who are they protecting? Open air smoking harms no others at all. Just control for control's sake.

And you lap it all up, yes they say jump - you say how high? Well one day, the controllers will want to control and curtail some activities or pleasures you enjoy. Guaranteed.

:ROFLMAO: Yeah, I've heard it all before. The trouble is, you're too self-centred to see that *your" choices affect others. You would, I'm sure, be one of the first to blame the NHS' problems on "immigrants", but you won't think twice about expecting to smoke 40 a day and have the NHS pick up the pieces for *your* choices. You'll be the first to claim, I'm sure, that smokers "pay their way" with the duty on cigarettes, but in reality, only the lucky ones might. Someone with chronic smoking-related disease will cost the NHS far more than they'll ever contribute. And, of course, the knock-on effect is that while you're taking up an intensive care bed on a ventilator, someone else is going to be denied that bed, despite perhaps having led a blameless and healthy life. Or maybe you feel everyone should just have to pay more for an NHS that has the resource to treat everyone? That's always an option...:)

Believe me, if these were just your choices and they only affected *you*, you would have my wholehearted support in your attempts to kill yourself by any or all of the the above methods - and the sooner the better! But real life ain't like that.

And which pubs do you think "they" should have left to allow smoking? The ones *you* want to go to, by any chance? Interesting take on it from a libertarian... How would you fancy that selection process being made? Surely not by some interfering government?!;)

Nobody likes being controlled. However, the more grown-up members of society recognise it as the price that has to be paid to live in a civilised society.

It's the way you tell 'em!!

I'm 58 so, if I'm lucky, I have 20 or so years driving ahead of me. Hopefully I can scrape through in ICEs - though I'm sure the government will want to curtail this freedom and make the fuel needed unaffordable. Unless I can run my diesel on veg oil.

At the very worst I may have to get some kind of non plug in hybrid contraption. But EV, no way.

Crikey! You're younger than me! I had you down as at least 75!:ROFLMAO:
Exactly this. And I can not see everyone who has a car now will ever have an EV we just cannot produce or transport or store enough electricity can we ? dont forget that the Gov also wants to end gas so all those cookers/ boilers that now use gas will need electricity.

Don't worry, it is all just at the end of the green rainbow.
Exactly this. And I can not see everyone who has a car now will ever have an EV we just cannot produce or transport or store enough electricity can we ? dont forget that the Gov also wants to end gas so all those cookers/ boilers that now use gas will need electricity.

Just out of curiosity, presumably you believe that with a million EVs already on our roads, and, as you say, more and more transition away from fossil towards electrical energy supply, that the country is consuming more electricity than ever before?
At the very worst I may have to get some kind of non plug in hybrid contraption. But EV, no way.

That thing is - to my tastes, anyway - nearly as pug-ugly as the crappy seventies and eighties Vauxhalls that you spot-weld your pants over.
But it is more reliable ;)
Yes, it's crazy. They're busy closing reliable gas and coal stations - reducing our generating capacity. At the same time mandating to increase our consumption more and more into the future. It's not sustainable with windmills or the current grid for the majority of people to drive electric cars or heat their homes with electricity - bearing in mind also millions more people in an ever rising population. But the eco zealot EVangelists haven't even thought this one through in their insane dash to get everyone plugged into a soon to be very overloaded grid.

Though speaking of banning gas boilers I wonder how serious the government really are on this. Was watching a YT video yesterday about a new estate of houses that are being built now. Was amazed to see all the houses had gas boilers installed. I thought they had phased these out for new builds?

Of course... the other possibility, is that it's you who hasn't thought this through, but I'm sure you will already have considered that... ;)
Are you completely blind to fiscal realities? Do you get off on appearing to be loose with facts or oblivious to anything at all that smacks of common sense???

If I spend 30 or 40 years on the lash, 40 a day, hot and cold running hoes (actually forget the hoes, they only take cash) - exactly how much tax do you think I've paid on these pleasures? Probably tens of thousands.

Now, because of over enjoying myself, I peg out at 65, three years before I get to claim my state pension. Which I have actually paid for. How many hundreds of thousands has this saved the country, compared to me living into my 90s??

So how do your reckon you are supporting me? Please engage brain before keyboard!

Impressive... :rolleyes:

and pretty much exactly what I thought. You really haven't a clue about the costs, ave you? an intensive care bed costs about £1600 a day to run. So tell us about all these taxes...:ROFLMAO:
Well, that's you better off - but what about everyone else, maybe the rest don't count?

I'd have thought that would have fitted right in with your libertarian ethos? I'm exercising my free choice. I thought you were right up for that? :ROFLMAO:

He said there were no carrots. I was pointing out that there were. I can't help it if you don't like carrots, can I? There are currently grants towards home chargers (but you don't want one). Exemptions from "road tax" and congestion charge (both ending soon). Exemptions from ULEZ charges, plug-in car grant on some vehicles. Also no fuel duty. And of course, the company car tax. This is feeding a supply of used vehicles (with heavy depreciation, so you would be getting a bargain) into the second hand market. (Just like most ICEs aren't bought new by private buyers). However, as I said, you don't like carrots. I can't help that, I'm afraid...
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