EV are they worth it?

Why would asda engineers be fixing a power station outage? Do you get engineer to fix house when electricity supplier cuts power?

You should never charge EV in garage. Make sure it's 15 meters away from house.

...which is kinda difficult when the charging lead is 3m long, but I'll certainly take note of your sage advice and file it where I file the rest of your sage advice... ;)

In the meantime though, guys, you should NEVER park an ICE in your garage! Petrol is dangerous stuff!

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You are literally grasping at straws. Firstly these fires could be put out. Secondly, these cars were owner maintained. Most likely they did something wrong or other stuff in the garage started the fire.

On the last story, it said:

Mr French believes the fire was caused by a faulty battery conditioner. This is used for older cars to ensure the battery remains fully charged. He had had the battery for more than 20 years.

I know you are into battery conditioners. I would be careful if I were you.
You are literally grasping at straws. Firstly these fires could be put out. Secondly, these cars were owner maintained. Most likely they did something wrong or other stuff in the garage started the fire.

On the last story, it said:

Mr French believes the fire was caused by a faulty battery conditioner. This is used for older cars to ensure the battery remains fully charged. He had had the battery for more than 20 years.

I know you are into battery conditioners. I would be careful if I were you.

No, not clutching at straws at all! If I want scare stories about ICE fires, they fall like manna from Heaven (what with them being so much more common than EV fires, and all that! :ROFLMAO: ). So now, we have you rushing round, desperately moving the goalposts and adding in conditions like "owner-maintained", or "they did something in the garage that started the fire", or of course, that all-time favourite: "it was an overheated laptop on the back seat"...:LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:

You're a busted flush, Nutjob, you may as well face it.

(Oh, and as far as battery conditioners are concerned, would they be conditioners for those oh-so-dangerous lithium batteries, by any chance? Or those ever-so-safe lead acid ones like you've got in your... er... what do they call them...? Ah! That's it! "ICEs"...).
(Oh, and as far as battery conditioners are concerned, would they be conditioners for those oh-so-dangerous lithium batteries, by any chance?
The conditioner is same as the one you said you had. It can catch fire. I definitely would not go for lithium batteries. Those don't need a conditioner to catch fire.
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The conditioner is same as the one you said you had. It can catch fire. I definitely would not go for lithium batteries. Those don't need a conditioner to catch fire.
So, what you're saying, if it's the same conditioner as mine, is that I shouldn't charge my ICE within 15m of the house?

Hmmmm.... :ROFLMAO:
Odd arguments itt.
Evs are what they are. They either fit your requirements better than the alternatives or not.

Most of the people on this board are retired old dodderers who probably feel that a round trip to Asda once a week is long distance trucking and can only be done with a mid-excursion rest over in the Asda canteen for a cup of Tetley and a slice of own brand brack to ease the fatigue and horrors of the experience.

All done in a 3.0L diesel sports SUV which only get the heating warm enough to demist the windscreen from the grief-fogging by the breathless OAP wrestling with the idea of something having more than the 3 gears of the morris half track they learnt to drive in during national service, just as they pull back into the drive from the epic 2mile trip round the town bypass.

"I can go to john o groats and back on a single tank with this! "

Mate, the post office is a ****ing serious expedition for you in that lol.

Probably only filled it up just the once after driving it off the disability dealership forecourt.

Without a sniff of irony.
I’m in the UAE and EVs are few and far between. And most of the vehicles are big gas guzzlers
Odd arguments itt.
Evs are what they are. They either fit your requirements better than the alternatives or not.

Most of the people on this board are retired old dodderers who probably feel that a round trip to Asda once a week is long distance trucking and can only be done with a mid-excursion rest over in the Asda canteen for a cup of Tetley and a slice of own brand brack to ease the fatigue and horrors of the experience.

All done in a 3.0L diesel sports SUV which only get the heating warm enough to demist the windscreen from the grief-fogging by the breathless OAP wrestling with the idea of something having more than the 3 gears of the morris half track they learnt to drive in during national service, just as they pull back into the drive from the epic 2mile trip round the town bypass.

"I can go to john o groats and back on a single tank with this! "

Mate, the post office is a ****ing serious expedition for you in that lol.

Probably only filled it up just the once after driving it off the disability dealership forecourt.

Without a sniff of irony.


I'm no spring chicken, but it does most of what I need, very well indeed. As long as it has more range than my bladder, it's not really a problem.
So why are we making such an effort when so many other countries aren’t

Because it's the right thing to do! It's utterly bizarre that the UK is a world leader in renewables, but still buys oil from rather unpleasant regimes who don't like us very much and has to occasionally pay wind farms not to generate because there isn't enough demand!

Even if you completely put aside the environmental arguments, the idea of our country being held over a barrel by the Arabs, or Putin, or some rather unpleasant folk in Latin America for our oil, is just absolutely nuts! Right now, we are boycotting Russian oil (for obvious reasons), yet we're actually still buying small amounts of Russian oil from India (after the Indians have added their cut, of course)!

As memories of our empire and world-leading position in the pecking order of nations, fades, we spend a lot of time collectively crying into our (warm) beer about the glory days when Britain was "great", and whining about how other countries are passing us, yet we're not actually showing any kind of leadership on the world stage, in the areas where we could so easily take the front stage. Instead, we'll just wallow in our national apathy, wait for some other country to do this, and then moan some more about our place in the world.

Our country is one of the windiest in the developed world, and we have a huge length of coastline, yet we seem to have left it to other countries to become world leaders in wind turbine design. I mean, Denmark, of all places?! Surely we're bigger and better-resourced than Denmark?!

Yet, instead of being world leaders, we just sit back and buy them off the Danes (and others), instead of having the world coming to us for the technology.

Similarly, we have some of the best potential in the world for tidal power, but instead of getting that famous British ingenuity and inventiveness to work, we just sit on our arses, competing against each other for the biggest NIMBY award.

I live just over the hill from what was the world's first commercially operating nuclear power station, generating domestic electricity. Now we're going cap-in-hand to the Chinese and the French... Another squandered opportunity...
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