EV are they worth it?

Of course. People won't know they are conned until they come to sell. Then everyone will be talking about it. I would say 1 generation would be 10 years for a new car.

No, it'll be much sooner than that. They'll be forced to change them when they need a new battery, have the slightest parking knock, or they set fire to themselves... remember?;)

Are you now saying none of those things are going to happen for 10 years? :ROFLMAO:

Keep digging that hole...:ROFLMAO:
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Petrol stations are a plenty in london. Not hard to get a fill. My gauge was below zero. Surely, that's empty?

No, "empty" is when there' no fuel in it and it won't go any more. Do I have to explain how ICEs work to you now? :rolleyes:
No, it'll be much sooner than that. They'll be forced to change them when they need a new battery, have the slightest parking knock, or they set fire to themselves... remember?;) Are you now saying none of those things are going to happen for 10 years? :ROFLMAO:

Keep digging that hole...:ROFLMAO:
Well, I'll let you be the expert. Let 1 generation be 5 years then.
It's bizarre, isn't it? We get the chance to show a bit of leadership on the world stage, to actually have other countries looking up to us and saying "that's where we need to be". Maybe even to develop the technologies that other countries will pay handsomely for, in the course of doing so, but no... all we want to do is moan about the country going down the toilet, whilst simultaneously, opposing anything that might stop it doing that...
China’s addiction to building new coal-fired power plants is becoming increasingly entrenched, even as the country is on track to reach peak CO2 emissions before its 2030 target.

As climate officials from around the world prepare to meet in the United Arab Emirates for Cop28, many are hoping that the recent joint climate agreement between the US and China, released days before Joe Biden and Xi Jinping met in California, can lay the groundwork for positive commitments at the UN’s climate conference.

The last major breakthrough involving China at Cop was at Cop26 in Glasgow, in 2021. At that conference, China pledged CO2 emissions would peak by 2030. Xi said that China would “strictly control coal-fired power generation projects”.

Green Guardianistas

The Americans have declined to attend the COP28 summit but i'm sure the oil lobby will be there en masse.
One step forwards and another two or three back, means we're just going round in circles while the situation gets steadily worse.
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We get the chance to show a bit of leadership on the world stage,


Grandstanding politicians and celebs. Preaching, but not prepared to cut their own massive footprints.

All this greenery is to make politicians look good, and for the little people to figure out how they're going to live with it and find the extra money to fund it.
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Well, I'll let you be the expert. Let 1 generation be 5 years then.

Snookered! :ROFLMAO:

Interesting, though, it's good that you're on record as saying that you don't think they'll need new batteries or spontaneously combust for 5 years now... ;)

Any advance on 5 years? going once... going twice...
China’s addiction to building new coal-fired power plants is becoming increasingly entrenched, even as the country is on track to reach peak CO2 emissions before its 2030 target.

As climate officials from around the world prepare to meet in the United Arab Emirates for Cop28, many are hoping that the recent joint climate agreement between the US and China, released days before Joe Biden and Xi Jinping met in California, can lay the groundwork for positive commitments at the UN’s climate conference.

The last major breakthrough involving China at Cop was at Cop26 in Glasgow, in 2021. At that conference, China pledged CO2 emissions would peak by 2030. Xi said that China would “strictly control coal-fired power generation projects”.

Green Guardianistas

The Americans have declined to attend the COP28 summit but i'm sure the oil lobby will be there en masse.
One step forwards and another two or three back, means we're just going round in circles while the situation gets steadily worse.

My take on it isn't quite so bleak. Certainly progress is not as rapid as it needs to be (and reading some of the comments on here, you get a good feel for why!) but the world IS making progress. According to the link I posted in post #748, China can already cover half its electricity needs with renewables. That's not too different to us - arguably a bit better, in fact! Even the Yanks are starting to wake up to the fact that there's a problem, but if Trump gets back in, that will set them back another 20 years.:cry:
Why would you need to change an EV so often?

It is widely accepted that electric cars will suffer reduced wear and tear due to two key components; the brakes and the engine. Surprisingly, the brakes on electric cars experience less mechanical use because of 'regenerative braking' – in which the electric motor extracts energy to recharge the battery whilst braking. This reduces wear and tear and increases their lifespan. The motor that replaces the combustion engine also suffers less stress, wear and tear because it has considerably fewer moving parts to wear out or to potentially malfunction.
Generally speaking, fully electric cars are the cheapest type of car to service - because of the fact that there are fewer parts to deal with. On the other hand, services on hybrids can cost as much if not more than traditional vehicles, although this does vary by make and model.


Grandstanding politicians and celebs. Preaching, but not prepared to cut their own massive footprints.

All this greenery is to make politicians look good, and for the little people to figure out how they're going to live with it and find the extra money to fund it.

You'd rather just tell the world we're out of the game, we're aspiring to join the 3rd World, and to just move on and forget about us?
You'd rather just tell the world we're out of the game, we're aspiring to join the 3rd World,

Yes, be honest for once. I reckon it would be a vote winner, as many of the ones who are brain washed by this are younger and don't vote.

And actually, it's looking like a lot of the 3rd world is coming to join us.
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