EV are they worth it?

ICE doesn't self combust.

EV has risk of fire after a minor bump. A a major bump means burnt to the ground.

Those are assertions, not facts. If you want me to stop calling you a liar, you have to back those assertions up with credible evidence.

We both know that ICEs can (and do), self-combust. There are already links to such incidences in this very thread! So you're not really doing much to clear your name there, are you! :ROFLMAO:
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Nope. ICE doesn't self combust like mobile phones do. EV does.

Again, All you have are assertions, not evidence.

DIYNutJob likes wearing ladies' underwear.

There you go! I've said it so it's true... right...?

In the meantime, I know it's a lost cause, but educate yourself!

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Again, All you have are assertions, not evidence.
Plenty of mobile phone fires on youtube. That's good evidence. Some should have been posted in the earlier part of the thread. The proving part was done and dusted long ago.
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Plenty of mobile phone fires on youtube. That's good evidence. Some should have been posted in the earlier part of the thread. The proving part was done and dusted long ago.

That's the whole problem! it isn't good evidence at all! YouTube is a fertile breeding ground for conspiracy theories and cranks. I can probably go on YouTube and find stuff about someone who died after just one can of Red Bull, or who took a single aspirin and popped their clogs! I could go on Youtube and find something about the Illuminati, or someone who smoked 80 a day and didn't die of cancer, or "proof" that the earth is really flat...

You need to develop critical thinking skills to sift through the BS. Yes, of course you will always be able to find a video of a phone or an EV (or an ICE) that set itself on fire, but that is pretty meaningless without looking at the bigger picture and being able to tell whether the video is real or fake.

As an aside I thought of you, the other night! I've just bought a Chinese e-bike! I'll be sure to put the charger in a box of petrol-soaked woodshavings before I put it on charge tonight...;)
Nope. He doesn't need evidence. He only projects.

As an aside I thought of you, the other night! I've just bought a Chinese e-bike! I'll be sure to put the charger in a box of petrol-soaked woodshavings before I put it on charge tonight...;)
I can feel your panic after the aussie fire bombing news report earlier.

You have have great trouble evaluating risk. Don't say I haven't warned you when something happens.
I can feel your panic after the aussie fire bombing news report earlier.

You have have great trouble evaluating risk. Don't say I haven't warned you when something happens.

It's precisely because I don't have any trouble evaluating risk, that I am pretty sanguine about it. You, on the other hand, are an absolute sucker for every scare story and conspiracy theory that you come across on social media. You can't sift the truth from the BS, so it's all terrifying to you!
Meanwhile, in London, battery electric buses have been working a treat, and TFL has been adding more to the fleet, with them having been so successful...

I saw some when I was down there the other week. Quiet, clean, smooth... Great to see this country taking a lead! :)
Meanwhile, in London, battery electric buses have been working a treat, and TFL has been adding more to the fleet, with them having been so successful...

I saw some when I was down there the other week. Quiet, clean, smooth... Great to see this country taking a lead! :)

I wish i could have seen the old gyro busses in action with the flywheel energy system. Must have been interesting to work on them eh?
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