EV are they worth it?

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Where and when is this happening?
Where is any evidence to support this?

There isn't much evidence. I watched a few of those videos at first, but I've given up now, because I don't want to give the bloke the satisfaction of getting another "view". He's very good at sounding all reasonable and matter-of-fact, (and clearly it's convincing enough to take folk like NutJob in), but he doesn't actually produce any credible evidence, just makes loads of assertions. If I get time, maybe I'll do a similarly posed and scripted video and upload it to YouTube, claiming that NutJob wears ladies underwear, just so that once he's seen it on YouTube, he'll have to accept that it's "true"... ;)

Meanwhile, I see it's winter here, and those electric buses in London are doing just fine...:)

...as did my EV when I put another 300 miles on it yesterday, and plugged it in when I got home last night, only to find this morning that:

(a) it was full again and
(b), neither it, nor my house, nor me, had burned to a crisp during the night...
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(a) it was full again and
Mine stays full too, and it doesn't need extra work.

(b), neither it, nor my house, nor me, had burned to a crisp during the night...
Such thought never even enters my mind. Not something I worry about. Nor do I celebrate it as a miracle every morning I wake up. With fire being at the back of the mind can't be good for sleeping. You'd dream about it, and restless.
Mine stays full too, and it doesn't need extra work.

Such thought never even enters my mind. Not something I worry about. Nor do I celebrate it as a miracle every morning I wake up. With fire being at the back of the mind can't be good for sleeping. You'd dream about it, and restless.
I've noticed quite a lot of sarcasm goes over your head... ;)
He is in Austrailia, but talking about Oslo buses. Except at end when talking about AC use in hot weather, which was a surprise, I thought if in a heatwave, then loads of solar power?

I have noted more losses over time with electric compaired with two stoke petrol. I do try to run out of petrol at end of season with my hedge cutter/chain saw on a pole. But when I haven't done that, next season very little diffrence to fuel level in the tank.

However the e-bike I take off charge end of season, and when I have come to use it again, the guage says full, but range two thirds of that expected. After first charge of season it is back to normal.

But with an e-bike I can pedel or push it, or even fold it up and put it in back of car, can't really do that with larger EV's. I have even considered a second battery.

But how do you know 'Mine stays full' ? The meter on my e-bike shows full for around 6 miles. With a range of 25 miles, that's a quarter of the battery gone.

What I need is latter trains and buses, and buses which can carry e-bikes, summer if not in Welshpool for 5 PM, then it is an 8 miles ride on roads which are really too dangerous to ride an e-bike on. Main problem is armaco barriers, they should be banned, bad if a car hits you, but sandwiched between car and armaco barrier then say good by world. And they put them in places where cars are likely to come off the road, in other words just where as a bike rider you don't want them.
There was none when I wrote it. Was stating the obvious. I am extremely sensitive to hassle, and able to pick them out quickly.

There was plenty when I wrote my post....

...it obviously went over your head.

However, since you need things spelling out to you, for the avoidance of doubt, NO I DO NOT lie in bed at night, worrying about whether my ICE is going to torch itself and maybe my house. And that's because I know it's less likely to happen than with any of the ICEs parked round the house. Your problem, is that you've started to believe your own bull_shit. ;)
Your problem, is that you've started to believe your own bull_shit. ;)
I don't. My entire belief system is from the ignitability of lithium. It's proven to ignite from mundane environmental elements such as water and heat. I find it amusing they use a heater for EV batteries. That's kind of like lighting the fuse.
He is in Austrailia, but talking about Oslo buses. Except at end when talking about AC use in hot weather, which was a surprise, I thought if in a heatwave, then loads of solar power?

This is the first winter that Oslo has tried those electric buses. The incident happened the other week when it was minus 12 degrees C, over there. Here's a slightly less hysterical account than the one NutJob linked to. About half of the scheduled departures were cancelled.

I'm pretty certain they'll get on top of the problem.

I have noted more losses over time with electric compaired with two stoke petrol. I do try to run out of petrol at end of season with my hedge cutter/chain saw on a pole. But when I haven't done that, next season very little diffrence to fuel level in the tank.

However the e-bike I take off charge end of season, and when I have come to use it again, the guage says full, but range two thirds of that expected. After first charge of season it is back to normal.

But with an e-bike I can pedel or push it, or even fold it up and put it in back of car, can't really do that with larger EV's. I have even considered a second battery.

But how do you know 'Mine stays full' ? The meter on my e-bike shows full for around 6 miles. With a range of 25 miles, that's a quarter of the battery gone.

Have you checked your bike's handbook? li-ion batteries don't like being stored fully charged for long periods. The handbook that came with my e-bike (which, I'm sure NutJob will be delighted to hear, also hasn't burned the house down yet :rolleyes:), tells you to leave it between 1/4 and 1/2 charged if laying it up for more than a week or so.

What I need is latter trains and buses, and buses which can carry e-bikes, summer if not in Welshpool for 5 PM, then it is an 8 miles ride on roads which are really too dangerous to ride an e-bike on. Main problem is armaco barriers, they should be banned, bad if a car hits you, but sandwiched between car and armaco barrier then say good by world. And they put them in places where cars are likely to come off the road, in other words just where as a bike rider you don't want them.

It's a numbers game. You'd have to weigh up how many more lives would be lost with no armco, than would be lost if there WAS armco, but a car happened to fall off, at exactly the precise moment a cyclist was level with the outside of the vehicle. What's more, you'd also have to ban walls, trees and lamp posts on the outside of bends.

That's good then. Clearly, neither of us believe your BS, so can you just stop dishing it please?;)

My entire belief system is from the ignitability of lithium. It's proven to ignite from mundane environmental elements such as water and heat.

Sodium is pretty bad for that too, so I expect you don't have any salt in your house for the same reason?;)

I find it amusing they use a heater for EV batteries. That's kind of like lighting the fuse.

Rather shoots your claims down then, doesn't it? Yes, most EVs have battery heaters and still, they don't go up as often as ICEs...

...funny, that....;)
OK, since you clearly regard YouTube videos as the ultimate proof of anything, here you go...
Internet says you are wrong:

Unlike flammable substances, such as gasoline or paper, salt is non-combustible and doesn't catch fire. This is because salt, chemically known as sodium chloride (NaCl), has a high melting point of 801 degrees Celsius (1474 degrees Fahrenheit).
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