For once big oil is right, and big battery is stupid. Gasoline is the most efficient fuel known to man. Lithium is not bad, they burn lithium to launch rockets and missiles. But lithium suffers from lack of abundance. So an LCE, lithium combustion engine, is not economical.
See what I mean? You just can't help yourself!

What I'm really curious to know, however, is whether you genuinely actually believe, in your own mind, that you're telling the truth, or whether you know darned well that you're talking a load of BS, but you have another agenda?
Gasoline is by NO MEANS the most efficient fuel known to man. (In fact, when burned in an ICE, it's one of the least). However, I don't think you really understand what "efficiency" actually means? Nobody who really understood the meaning, in engineering terms, of "efficiency" would ever quote it just for a fuel, because efficiency is a combination of the fuel
and the mechanism by which it is utilised to achieve something. For example, gasoline burned to generate heat to boil water, to create steam to power a steam engine to propel a vehicle, will have a totally different efficiency than the same gasoline burned in an ICE to propel the same vehicle. You're using words that you don't really understand the meaning of.
Yes, lithium is used (or can be used) in rockets. So what? Again, what you seem to fail to understand is that in EVs, lithium is not "the fuel"! Lithium is part of the storage medium for the fuel. (Again, the difference between "fuel" and a "fuel tank"). At the end off the rocket's life, the lithium is gone. Disappeared. Combusted. Burned. Consumed... At the end of the EV's life, the lithium is all still there, ready to be recycled. (Try doing that with gasoline)...
Lithium is actually very abundant. Right now, there are high concentrations of it in a few places that make mining worthwhile, but it's actually pretty much everywhere. Oil, on the other hand, is in shortening supply. As nobody is even taking about LCEs, that last point is irrelevant.