EV are they worth it?

Really? You seem to have forgotten when Tesla slashed all of their prices to try to sell them, at a stroke devaluing all Teslas much more than would be normal.

Oh... right... so when you said "That's half a week's depreciation on an EV", what you really meant to say, was "That's half a week's depreciation on a Tesla EV, just after Tesla dropped their prices to start a price war"? Glad that's cleared up then...:rolleyes:

You have also overlooked the fact that EVs started off with a big price premium over ICEs when new.

Shock! Horror! A new technology starts to come down in price! Gosh! That's unusual... :rolleyes: Funny how the anti EV brigade managed to get simultaneously outraged by EVs being too expensive AND getting cheaper! :ROFLMAO:

EVs too expensive (and cheap).jpg

Though I do see why you would want to rubbish any facts to gloss over the fact that you've been suckered by the green lobby. You're not alone on here.

I can see how he'd want to rubbish some anti EV bullshit, though...

Speaking of suckers, you keep giving your money to the big oil companies. They need it, after all...
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Yes, it's funny how often the two go hand-in-hand. Folk who have no experience of EVs are the ones telling us how awful EVs are

Same as those who claim that the 'Spoons is a filthy place, selling out-of-date beer to punters who are fighting among themselves........

..... while also stating they'd never actually set foot in one (y)
Same as those who claim that the 'Spoons is a filthy place, selling out-of-date beer to punters who are fighting among themselves........

..... while also stating they'd never actually set foot in one (y)

Reminded me of another meme I saw recently...

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..... while also stating they'd never actually set foot in one (y)
I never set foot in one. I am a cola drinker. It's cheaper just to get the right supermarket own brand. After, I use cola bottles for all kind of stuff. Used up 2 this morning for a tin of 10 year paint.
I never set foot in one. I am a cola drinker. It's cheaper just to get the right supermarket own brand. After, I use cola bottles for all kind of stuff. Used up 2 this morning for a tin of 10 year paint.

What on earth does that have to do with the topic under discussion? Is it too much cheap cola that has rotted your brain?
Folk who have no experience of EVs are the ones telling us how awful EVs are...:rolleyes:

I'm sure a lot more people will be forced to take the EV experience very soon. :rolleyes:

Imagine the chaos if every ICE owner suddenly took leave of their senses and traded in for an EV? Ownership of these things wouldn't look so great then. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::eek:

Us ICE owners are actually doing you a favour. By not rushing headlong into backwards, unwieldly 'technology' with these battery things - we're actually helping to make EV ownership appear viable. For now. (y)

Anyway, in the future, when I'm finally forced to have an EV, I'm definitely having the go-faster model. :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

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If you're saying that the adopters of backwards technology don't ever stretch their wires over the pavement, I've seen it with my own eyes. Luckily I saw them before tripping over. :rolleyes:

No, that's not what I'm saying. If I'd wanted to say that, I'd have written that. :rolleyes:

This particular individual is parked diagonally, with one wheel on the kerb, obstructing the pavement and the back end stuck out in the road obstructing traffic. To be honest, (as I've already said), I think it's a setup, as he'd be getting a visit from "Plod" in pretty short order if he parked like that, plus, there doesn't appear to be any reason, in the photo, why it was necessary. But if you think inconsiderate parking is the exclusive preserve of EV drivers, maybe a look on here will be enough to convince you that the problem goes back a long way before EVs were even a thing!

As for trailing wires across the pavement, not, I'm not denying that. Personally, I haven't seen any, but that's not really surprising where I live. However, there are usually council bylaws to prevent that, so if people want to be selfish and do it, that's their lookout. Not really anything you can blame the technology for - just like the muppet who cocks up pouring an unsuitable container of petrol into his ICE and ends up spilling it on the road, melting a patch of tarmac and polluting water that goes down storm drains...
I'm sure a lot more people will be forced to take the EV experience very soon. :rolleyes:

Good! It's the only way e're going to combat the lies and BS flying around, that folk like Nutjob like to spread! That's what it will take. More and more ordinary people getting into EVs and finding out that actually, they don't spontaneously combust, and they don't need a new battery every 5 years. Then they'll start finding out that actually, they're a pretty nice drive, and they save a shed-load of money, and provide some nice convenience features. The only real question, is, when that time comes, what all the folk peddling all this anti-EV BS are going to change their usernames to on the forum...;)

Imagine the chaos if every ICE owner suddenly took leave of their senses and traded in for an EV? Ownership of these things wouldn't look so great then. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::eek:

It would indeed. But as you can see from this thread, there are some problems that are real, and others that are completely imaginary. That's definitely a problem for the latter category!

Us ICE owners are actually doing you a favour. By not rushing headlong into backwards, unwieldly 'technology' with these battery things - we're actually helping to make EV ownership appear viable. For now. (y)

If anything, it's the ICE Luddites who ought to be thanking the EV drivers, for making their finite supply of "dinosaur juice" last that little bit longer and cleaning up the air that they and their kids have to breathe...

...you're welcome...:)

Anyway, in the future, when I'm finally forced to have an EV, I'm definitely having the go-faster model. :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

:ROFLMAO: I there's one thing that pretty much NOBODY criticises EVs for, it's their performance. If you do actually get your backside in one, you'll find that they're surprisingly sprightly, straight out of the box!
What on earth does that have to do with the topic under discussion? Is it too much cheap cola that has rotted your brain?
He said something about cheap beer.

Why do you always seem so angry? EV ownership must be something very frustrating.
He said something about cheap beer.

Why do you always seem so angry? EV ownership must be something very frustrating.

I think the generally used euphemism, is that I "don't suffer fools gladly"? ;)

I don't mind anyone having genuine, well-founded reservations. Or even genuine questions. Without doubt, there are downsides to EVs that we're either going to have to overcome or learn to live with. These are genuine issues. What I can't abide, are the lies and BS that help absolutely nobody except Big Oil, who have a very powerful vested interest in keeping us addicted, so they can keep pushing the stuff on us.
For once big oil is right, and big battery is stupid. Gasoline is the most efficient fuel known to man. Lithium is not bad, they burn lithium to launch rockets and missiles. But lithium suffers from lack of abundance. So an LCE, lithium combustion engine, is not economical.
For once big oil is right, and big battery is stupid. Gasoline is the most efficient fuel known to man. Lithium is not bad, they burn lithium to launch rockets and missiles. But lithium suffers from lack of abundance. So an LCE, lithium combustion engine, is not economical.

See what I mean? You just can't help yourself! :ROFLMAO: What I'm really curious to know, however, is whether you genuinely actually believe, in your own mind, that you're telling the truth, or whether you know darned well that you're talking a load of BS, but you have another agenda?

Gasoline is by NO MEANS the most efficient fuel known to man. (In fact, when burned in an ICE, it's one of the least). However, I don't think you really understand what "efficiency" actually means? Nobody who really understood the meaning, in engineering terms, of "efficiency" would ever quote it just for a fuel, because efficiency is a combination of the fuel and the mechanism by which it is utilised to achieve something. For example, gasoline burned to generate heat to boil water, to create steam to power a steam engine to propel a vehicle, will have a totally different efficiency than the same gasoline burned in an ICE to propel the same vehicle. You're using words that you don't really understand the meaning of.

Yes, lithium is used (or can be used) in rockets. So what? Again, what you seem to fail to understand is that in EVs, lithium is not "the fuel"! Lithium is part of the storage medium for the fuel. (Again, the difference between "fuel" and a "fuel tank"). At the end off the rocket's life, the lithium is gone. Disappeared. Combusted. Burned. Consumed... At the end of the EV's life, the lithium is all still there, ready to be recycled. (Try doing that with gasoline)...

Lithium is actually very abundant. Right now, there are high concentrations of it in a few places that make mining worthwhile, but it's actually pretty much everywhere. Oil, on the other hand, is in shortening supply. As nobody is even taking about LCEs, that last point is irrelevant.
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