hottest weather ever in the world ever.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 292770
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It's warm but not unusually so for the time of year. The worst thing about this heat is that the ever-present smell of cannabis around here becomes even more pungent and oppressive.
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Vladimir Putin will probably solve the climate crisis, once the nuclear war is over, human Co2 emissions wont be a problem because there wont be any.
Putin has little motive to be concerned about climate change, as it will open up Arctic shipping channels for longer, and make huge areas of Russia more useable.
Which claims?

This one:
Who’s ready for the hottest day ever recorderd ever anywhere ever recorded.
It won’t be though ,

And this:
They’ll be trying to convince me next that they wasted 8 billion on a camera that can take pictures of stuff 36billion light years away.
That’s 36billion x 9 million million miles. .
You are making ambiguous cliams about these things, and whatever it is you are claiming, you need to back up.
I am asking you provide evidence to back these claims up.
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Putin has little motive to be concerned about climate change, as it will open up Arctic shipping channels for longer, and make huge areas of Russia more useable.
As the Siberian tundra is warmed it will release tonnes of methane into the atmosphere, significantly increasing the warming effect and creating a cycle of warming that will only increase as the tundra melts. Sometimes a sinkhole will open so quickly that people have had to run for their lives unless they are swallowed up. Forest fires are a huge problem in summer and thousands of hectares have been devastated; one such fire last year was larger than France and Spain combined.
I suppose they could drill for oil but without western investment they'd have to rely on the Chinese and i'm not sure how much of their expertise would rely on Arab involvement.
This one:

And this:

You are making ambiguous cliams about these things, and whatever it is you are claiming, you need to back up.
I am asking you provide evidence to back these claims up.
There’s always one who takes everything literally.
Devoid of sense of humour.
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You must be joking, trolls don't do evidence...
Correct. Trolls just pop up from time to time when they see an opportunity to bully.
Get back under your bridge .
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Hardly ambiguous.
Down right exaggerations more like, to highlight how ridiculous msm and it’s disciples (that’d be you and co) are in hinging your existence off them.
Get it? If not come back to me.
Have a cool day:unsure:
Vladimir Putin will probably solve the climate crisis, once the nuclear war is over, human Co2 emissions wont be a problem because there wont be any.
Just to clear this up, officially, freak warm weather is due to climate change, freak cold weather is just; weather.
Hardly ambiguous.
Down right exaggerations more like, to highlight how ridiculous msm and it’s disciples (that’d be you and co) are in hinging your existence off them.
Get it? If not come back to me.
Have a cool day:unsure:
So no evidence, and still unclear what you are actually claiming.
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