Major Incident In Southport

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No doubt you excuse them because you support them…let me guess you voted Brexit and Reform

I despise Farage, Reform is an out and out Racist party, and I never voted in the Brexit referendum,
because of where I was ( away working )

If I would have been at home, I like you would have voted Brexit.

And yes I would have been wrong to do so, just like you.

My political views vary, left and right, voted Labour this time, as I came to despise Tory corruption.

Too many posters on here make ridiculous assumptions, often based on a throw away remark, it does get tiresome.
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Surely, given the seriousness of the crime, whether it's prison or a secure unit, he'll be locked up for life, as in life? There again, nothing would surprise me ...
I don't agree with protests, riots and vigilantes.

The scum is in custody and has yet to be sentenced.

If that sentence is weak , or worse, I could sort of begin to understand protests.

But not until then.

Unless any rwr vigilante can explain the riots and protests of course
That you are not aware of who is rioting and protesting.

Do you need a picture or 2 or 3 to understand the demographic ?
I’m fully aware of who is rioting and protesting I still can’t see what you are getting at? Explain.
Did notice that the police confronted the white british protestors but backed off from the non white rioters in Leeds i wonder what the difference was , political ?
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