There goes a lot of your winter fuel payments

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"I'm willing to pay more"
"How much more"
"I'm not saying"


I am unwilling to pay more than half of my income, I feel ok about 44% being taken.

What about you? Will you pay 44%?
"I'm willing to pay more"
"How much more"
"I'm not saying"


I already told you what I think would be a fair increase in order to contribute to the nation's recovery.


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I'm the one contributing 44%, your the one who wont say?

zero + 1% is still zero.
The lazies and the layabouts would prefer you contribute 54, 64, 74, heck maybe even 84% to further subsidise their laziness and layaboutness.

Grrrrr, tax 'the rich' more ... grrrrrr, tax 'the rich' more!!!
The nation is in collapse, and is underfunded.

Some money is needed to repair it.

People like me see the need and are willing to chip in.

Biking doesn't care, and doesn't want to relax his grasp.
You seem to like weird imaginary stories...
There are plenty out there who think part of the solution is to tax 'the rich' more. What they're not saying is this approach would save them having to seek employment or would mean they can keep p1ssing away whatever they do earn on fags, booze and 50 inch tvs.
There are plenty out there who think part of the solution is to tax 'the rich' more. What they're not saying is this approach would save them having to seek employment or would mean they can keep p1ssing away whatever they do earn on fags, booze and 50 inch tvs.
No there aren't, you are just making things up.
The nation is in collapse, and is underfunded.

Some money is needed to repair it.

People like me see the need and are willing to chip in.

Biking doesn't care, and doesn't want to relax his grasp.
Its not and you wont say how much you are willing to chip in.

Some of us have been chipping in much more than others for decades.
What percentage more would you pay. Answer, none. That's all the question was.
which bit of 1/2 do you not understand is more than 44%?

What percentage will you pay? I bet its not 1/2 or even 40%
Ahh so you are generously offering to contribute an extra 1% on hardly anything at all (we assume, because you wont say), while pointing the finger at someone who pays 44%, for not being willing to contribute.
1% of 1,000,000 is 10,000
44% of 10,000 is only 4,400
Talking only in percentages is pointless.
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