There goes a lot of your winter fuel payments

all this from a chancellor who got her parliamentary credit card suspended when she couldnt show that 4 thousand quid was valid expenditure .
And who has claimed thousands in utility bills over the years
While you support a convicted felon an rapist.

She had he credit card suspended? Give your head a shake.
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While you support a convicted felon an rapist.

She had he credit card suspended? Give your head a shake.
Reeves has also been disciplined for excessive use of her parliamentary credit card. Parliamentary standards body IPSA suspended her card in 2015 after she was unable to show that more than £4,000 of her spending was valid expenditure.

. yet again Denso talks shyte
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How much are you willing to pay per year £10k, £20k, £30k?
1/2 - you?
Do you mean £500? Or £1 to £2? Or half the tax you already pay? I can see you are reluctant to answer. You haven't even said if you are willing to contribute to the recovery of the nation, like I did.

To help the nation recover from the damage caused by Tory austerity and attacks on public services, I would cheerfully pay 1% wealth tax, and 1% more income tax.
Provided that the rest of us, including you, and especially including tax dodgers, did the same.

I have no desire to fund handouts to make billionaires richer, nor to assist companies based offshore to avoid UK tax, nor tory peers who syphon off millions through a web of offshore accounts to fund their purchase of yachts.
I'm reluctant to answer? righto.

Again. How much of your income are you willing to be taken as tax.

20%, 30% 40% 50%. I will be paying around 44% this year. You?
Reeves has also been disciplined for excessive use of her parliamentary credit card. Parliamentary standards body IPSA suspended her card in 2015 after she was unable to show that more than £4,000 of her spending was valid expenditure.
Says the supporter of a rapist. Sicko...
I'm reluctant to answer? righto.

Again. How much of your income are you willing to be taken as tax.

20%, 30% 40% 50%. I will be paying around 44% this year. You?
As you know, income tax bands vary according to taxable income. I have already said that I am willing to help the nation recover, by paying an extra 1% on income and 1% on wealth. Seemingly you are not. It's entertaining that you hope to engage in a wealth competition. Others have rightly poked fun at you. Perhaps you bear scars.

I see you are not willing to contribute to the recovery of the nation, like I am, by chipping in a fraction extra when the nation needs to rebuild and repair.
Ahh so you are generously offering to contribute an extra 1% on hardly anything at all (we assume, because you wont say), while pointing the finger at someone who pays 44%, for not being willing to contribute. Clearly I have already contributed both much more in £ and a significant percentage more. If it weren't true, you'd say. You keep avoiding the question.

I see the leftienomics is strong with you today.

No doubt you think someone offering to increase their tax contribution from 20% to 21% is being more generous than someone who is willing to stick at 44%.
No doubt you think someone offering to increase their tax contribution

Yes, a person who is willing to help is more generous than someone who isn't.

Ask one of your Christian acquaintances to tell you about Luke 21 1-4

I'm the one contributing 44%, your the one who wont say?

zero + 1% is still zero.
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