There goes a lot of your winter fuel payments

Now what was it you said give your head a shake oh yeah credit card getting suspended you really do not understand the basics do you
String her up, along with the £1,500 tax evader, pmsl...
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I don’t think we should ask Ellal to pay any more tax because as he freely admits, "I happen to pay more tax than the majority of people earn in the UK..."
, you feel its very generous to "chip in".

I've been chipping in all my working life.

Wow, I say I'm willing to pay 1% wealth tax and an extra 1% on tax rate. So I'm willing to pay more than is currently required and I approve of the inevitable tax rises necessary to patch up our neglected public services. That's what I call "chipping in."

And you say you've been paying more than is required all your working life?

How did you do that? Post a cheque to the Chancellor as a donation?

Or do you think "chipping in" means "paying the minimum required by law?"
Wow, I say I'm willing to pay 1% wealth tax and an extra 1% on tax rate. So I'm willing to pay more than is currently required. That's what I call "chipping in."

And you say you've been paying more than is required all your working life?

How did you do that? Post a cheque to the Chancellor as a donation?

Or do you think "chipping in" means "paying the minimum required by law?"
why not move your ISA into accounts that you could chip in with tax on the interest whilst still increasing the amount in savings
why not move your ISA into accounts that you could chip in with tax on the interest whilst still increasing the amount in savings
That's a good idea. Write to the Chancellor and suggest she abolishes tax concessions for ISAs.

I have a feeling your suggestion won't get much support,but by all means try it.

As a fallback, you could ask her to limit ISA value total per person. And Pension Fund value per person. Would a £million be too much? It seems more than generous to me.

I don't approve of cash savings, so I haven't got much. I think I've usually got around £5,000 in the bank, and bills to pay within a month maybe around £2,000. If I'm holding cash beyond that I put it in Premium Bonds until needed, to save myself the effort of a tax return. I like to have a buffer in case I unexpectedly need a new boiler, or a roof repair or something
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I don’t think we should ask Ellal to pay any more tax because as he freely admits, "I happen to pay more tax than the majority of people earn in the UK..."

Well at least it will pay his "Doctor sons" wages.
MMmmm, interesting. And tell me, can you please direct me to the post where I suggested this?

Clue: No is the answer.
You said it here:

The lazies and the layabouts would prefer you contribute 54, 64, 74, heck maybe even 84% to further subsidise their laziness and layaboutness.

You obviously mean everybody on benefits are “lazies and layabouts”

If you didn’t you would’ve said: “a tiny % of people on benefits are “lazies and layabouts”, the vast majority are genuine.

But you didn’t say that, because want to stereotype everybody on benefits as lazy.
You support the morally corrupt Trump

We know where your moral compass lies
you missed your calling you could have been a failed detective instead of just a school A level chippy
You said it here:

You obviously mean everybody on benefits are “lazies and layabouts”

If you didn’t you would’ve said: “a tiny % of people on benefits are “lazies and layabouts”, the vast majority are genuine.

But you didn’t say that, because want to stereotype everybody on benefits as lazy.
he might have meant pensioners

None of them seem to have taken up fruit-picking or cockle-collecting to fill the gaps.
That's a good idea. Write to the Chancellor and suggest she abolishes tax concessions for ISAs.

I have a feeling your suggestion won't get much support,but by all means try it.

As a fallback, you could ask her to limit ISA value total per person. And Pension Fund value per person. Would a £million be too much? It seems more than generous to me.

I don't approve of cash savings, so I haven't got much. I think I've usually got around £5,000 in the bank, and bills to pay within a month maybe around £2,000. If I'm holding cash beyond that I put it in Premium Bonds until needed, to save myself the effort of a tax return. I like to have a buffer in case I unexpectedly need a new boiler, or a roof repair or something
doesn't sound like a whole lot of "chipping in" going on. Its easy to support taxes that don't affect you.
to save myself the effort of a tax return
Are you seriously saying that you don’t fill in a tax return each year? Surely you submit a tax return each year, what with all your earnings and dividends from investments in Europe and elsewhere around the world? Are you what you call a 'tax dodger' then?
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