There goes a lot of your winter fuel payments

As I said, easy to campaign for taxes that others will pay for.

Its called "chipping in" apparently.
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doesn't sound like a whole lot of "chipping in" going on. Its easy to support taxes that don't affect you.
Gas112's idea.

I won't stand in his way if he thinks he has a chance.

I can't help noticing that after I say I'm willing to pay more tax to help the country, you keep dumping bucketloads of false allegations.

I suppose you are just so frightened at the thought the country's public services are in such a terrible state that they need to be repaired.

Which country do you hope to retire to?
That's a good idea. Write to the Chancellor and suggest she abolishes tax concessions for ISAs.

I have a feeling your suggestion won't get much support,but by all means try it.

As a fallback, you could ask her to limit ISA value total per person. And Pension Fund value per person. Would a £million be too much? It seems more than generous to me.

I don't approve of cash savings, so I haven't got much. I think I've usually got around £5,000 in the bank, and bills to pay within a month maybe around £2,000. If I'm holding cash beyond that I put it in Premium Bonds until needed, to save myself the effort of a tax return. I like to have a buffer in case I unexpectedly need a new boiler, or a roof repair or something
what you dont want to act as an individual then ? every little helps .
Are you seriously saying that you don’t fill in a tax return each year? Surely you submit a tax return each year, what with all your earnings and dividends from investments in Europe and elsewhere around the world? Are you what you call a 'tax dodger' then?
im yet to get that letter from the taxman say .If you have your money in premium bonds there is no need to do a tax return this year
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Gas112's idea.

I won't stand in his way if he thinks he has a chance.

I can't help noticing that after I say I'm willing to pay more tax to help the country, you keep dumping bucketloads of false allegations.

I suppose you are just so frightened at the thought the country's public services are in such a terrible state that they need to be repaired.

Which country do you hope to retire to?
I simply disagree with your ideology.

Some public services need investment due to the issues caused by 2 years of economic turmoil from a pandemic.

The country is not broken, we have been doing quite well.

Unlike you I see the importance of competing on a global stage. The UK should remain agile and not veer to a socialist agenda which makes us harder to invest in. I would not want to see my kids jobs go to other countries, because our government was over protective and bloated the state.

Investment needs to be paid for. Taxes need to be earned. The more you tax, the more you have to pay and the more likely you will become uncompetitive. Not an issue for those comfortably retired, enjoying a tax efficient income.
You said it here:

You obviously mean everybody on benefits are “lazies and layabouts”

If you didn’t you would’ve said: “a tiny % of people on benefits are “lazies and layabouts”, the vast majority are genuine.

But you didn’t say that, because want to stereotype everybody on benefits as lazy.
Unless I type it, you don't know what I mean ;)

Still waiting on you directing me to the post where I explicitly mentioned these groups of people ...
I simply disagree with your ideology.
I'm more inclined to feel he has a tendency for left wing but not extreme views in an over simplified fashion. Some on the right are similar.
Fact is there are a number of apple carts around that can only be disturbed to some extent.

The pay review bodies opinions have an interesting aspect. These relate to civil jobs. They don't suddenly appear. Cuts are expected in some areas in return. The level set is not that dramatic. Is this a better option than just setting some arbitrary number or just refusing Maybe people should remember that these bodies are there for a reason. The number that comes out is rather similar to average wage growth for the whole population. Not 10%. Any damage due to the average growth is already done. So maybe a little more but how effective will the cuts be. Will productivity figure? One of labours aims in many areas.
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I think you are saying..

Pay increases can cost jobs.

I think you are saying..

Pay increases can cost jobs.

10000 fast food jobs lost in californium since introduction of 20 dollar an hour minimum looks like it has aknock on effect
Some public services need investment due to the issues caused by 2 years of economic turmoil from a pandemic.

The country is not broken, we have been doing quite well.
thats bolox

Tories cut public services massively from 2010 to 2017

Tories have spent last 40 years flogging our public services including water, energy, rail, probation service, blood transfusion etc etc

Tories have spent the last 14 years creaming money out of NHS into the pockets of Tory mps and Tory mates

Tories spaffed £100b up the wall on brexit which is a complete and utter con

Tories spaffed £32b on test n trace

Tories spaffed £4.3b on bogus PPE contracts to their mates

Tories spaffed £700m on Rwanda scheme

so dont make pathetic excuses about covid

Unlike you I see the importance of competing on a global stage. The UK should remain agile and not veer to a socialist agenda which makes us harder to invest in.
You voted for Boris and his hard Brexit

the result of massively increasing trade barriers with our largest and nearest trade partner has made UK the opposite of agile

by the way, countries with better wealth distribution, like most major economies of the EU have far better standards of living than UK which is a very poor country with a few rich people

Im not sure whats wrong with you, you must spend all day swallowing Telegraph propaganda
Still waiting on you directing me to the post where I explicitly mentioned these groups of people ...
You didnt rule them out. you made a lazy stereotype which included all those groups and now you are too much of a coward to admit it

So come on lets see if you possess a backbone and answer this:

What percentage of people on benefits are "lazies and layabouts"?
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