There goes a lot of your winter fuel payments

Didn't you mis out wealth inequality in that rant?
Andydevon says wealth inequality is a major reason for the problems in this country

Andydevon says "I admit I have voted Conservative for years and take responsibility for the mess this country is in"
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thats bolox

Tories cut public services massively from 2010 to 2017

Tories have spent last 40 years flogging our public services including water, energy, rail, probation service, blood transfusion etc etc

Tories have spent the last 14 years creaming money out of NHS into the pockets of Tory mps and Tory mates

Tories spaffed £100b up the wall on brexit which is a complete and utter con

Tories spaffed £32b on test n trace

Tories spaffed £4.3b on bogus PPE contracts to their mates

Tories spaffed £700m on Rwanda scheme

so dont make pathetic excuses about covid

You voted for Boris and his hard Brexit

the result of massively increasing trade barriers with our largest and nearest trade partner has made UK the opposite of agile

by the way, countries with better wealth distribution, like most major economies of the EU have far better standards of living than UK which is a very poor country with a few rich people

Im not sure whats wrong with you, you must spend all day swallowing Telegraph propaganda
Why are the boats not going from the UK to France?
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You didnt rule them out. you made a lazy stereotype which included all those groups and now you are too much of a coward to admit it

So come on lets see if you possess a backbone and answer this:

What percentage of people on benefits are "lazies and layabouts"?
What country does motorbiking hope to retire to?
but it is a benefit and counted in the benefits bill
it is off course right that people get it without restriction but people take benefits to mean scroungers where in fact the vast amount off benefits go to the hard working with kids the sick or indeed to the elderly including pensions
about 5 years ago i researched this the benefits bill was about 209bn
children where about 37bn or 18%
low income was 34bn or about 16.6%
ill or disability was 36 or about 17.5%
unemployment was 4.5 or about 2.2%
and elderly was 93bn or 45.4%
now off course if you get unemployment and have children you get child benefits housing working tax credits and more but helps people understand the politicians choose to demonise to detract from what they are doing rather than correct misconceptions
found it
just for context, the very first line was to answer a comment that state pensions are not a benefit
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Question avoided.
…says the king of question avoidance. Dunno how he has the gall to say that. Hey John, still waiting to hear your definition of tax dodging. Have you found it yet?

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