There goes a lot of your winter fuel payments

Whilst it is fine to tell other posters that their replies are irrelevant, you must always illustrate your point with a tortured analogy. Which you clearly forgot here ;)
Lefty halfwits are allowed to declare posts they have no come back on as irrelevant waffle. It’s in the rules… well I assume it is because they all do it.
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I’ve always paid my taxes and I have no problem with half of my income going in tax

Tell me you're loaded without telling me that you're loaded ;)

It's what's known as a humble brag ;)

In response to your post though.....

why are you always carping and griping "if you put up tax, the high earners will leave.!"?

And who are these mythical people who are going to sling their hooks, seeing as you reckon you're happy with your lot?
It’s a NotchyFact™ only truly stupid people would believe there are no wealthy people living in the U.K.
Only truly stupid people would suggest wealthy people don't look around for the best tax breaks and move accordingly.

Not all obviously. But not just 1 or 2.

They like uk and its benefits but not want to pay for them
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Tell me you're loaded without telling me that you're loaded ;)

It's what's known as a humble brag ;)

In response to your post though.....

why are you always carping and griping "if you put up tax, the high earners will leave.!"?

And who are these mythical people who are going to sling their hooks, seeing as you reckon you're happy with your lot?
It started before Labour won the election. There has been a significant exodus of wealth from London. There comes a point where people start to look harder for tax efficient options whereas previously they didn’t bother.

I know a lot of people who are pulling forward capital advances in to this tax year and once the new rules come in those capital bonuses will “disappear” into other “investments”.
Am I willing to contribute to the recovery of the nation? Yes.

You? I think not.

Am I willing to give handouts to billionaires to enrich themselves still further? No.

The 1% who pay 28% of all income tax. How are they not paying ?

  • The wealth of the richest one per cent of households is more than 230 times that of the poorest 10 per cent, according to new analysis from the Office of National Statistics. The top 1 per cent of households have wealth of more than £3.6m each, while the top 10 percent hold 43 per cent of all the wealth in Great Britain.
ONS figures.

You seem peeved that the people with the most money pay the most tax.

Are you suggesting that the people with the least money should do it?

Spoiler: they can't.
You claim to be richer than you think I am, so presumably you are planning to pay more.

That's funny, you didn't say if you were willing to contribute to the recovery of the nation, like I am.

Are you?
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